A location manager endpoint message in Configuration Manager 2007 is used to determine the relative proximity of a given Configuration Manager entity. It can be used to find such entities as the distribution point for a given package or to find a client's resident, or alternatively proxy, site.

The message returned is the list of locations found.

The Location Manager endpoint is used to determine the relative proximity of a given Configuration Manager entity (sites and distribution points) to the location information specified in a call to ISmsMessaging::Invoke Method.

Two XML based messages, LocationMPLocationRequest and ContentLocationRequest, can be sent through calls to ISmsMessaging::Invoke Method. The requested location is returned as XML (ContentLocationReply) in the ISmsMessaging::Invoke's ppReply parameter.

Configuration Manager Content Location

Content location.
Configuration Manager Distribution Point

Distribution point location.
Configuration Manager WSUS Location

Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) server location.

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