The SMS_G_System_SoftwareFile Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) class is an SMS Provider server class, in Configuration Manager, that contains information about all software files that were inventoried on the client computer.
The following syntax is simplified from Managed Object Format (MOF) code and includes all inherited properties.
Class SMS_G_System_SoftwareFile : SMS_G_System { DateTime CreationDate; UInt32 FileCount; String FileDescription; UInt32 FileID; String FileName; UInt32 FilePath; SInt64 FileSize; String FileVersion; DateTime ModifiedDate; DateTime FileModifiedDate; UInt32 ProductId; UInt32 ResourceID; }; |
The SMS_G_System_SoftwareFile class does not define any methods.
- CreationDate
- Data type: DateTime Access type: Read/WriteQualifiers: [ResID(6310), ResDLL("SMS_RXPL.dll")]Deprecated. The value is always null.
- FileCount
- Data type: UInt32 Access type: Read/WriteQualifiers: [ResID(6308), ResDLL("SMS_RXPL.dll")]Value indicating the file count. This value is always 1 because Configuration Manager tracks individual file paths.
- FileDescription
- Data type: String Access type: Read/WriteQualifiers: [ResID(6305), ResDLL("SMS_RXPL.dll")]Description from the description resource string. This value is blank for unknown files.
- FileID
- Data type: UInt32 Access type: Read/Write Qualifiers: [key, ResID(6302), ResDLL("SMS_RXPL.dll")]Configuration Manager-supplied ID that uniquely identifies the file.
- FileName
- Data type: String Access type: Read/WriteQualifiers: [DefaultOrder("ASC"), ResID(6304), ResDLL("SMS_RXPL.dll")]Name of the file.
- FilePath
- Data type: String Access type: Read/WriteQualifiers: [ResID(6311), ResDLL("SMS_RXPL.dll")]Path to the software file location on the client computer.
- FileSize
- Data type: SInt64 Access type: Read/WriteQualifiers: [ResID(6307), ResDLL("SMS_RXPL.dll")]Size of the file, in bytes.
- FileVersion
- Data type: String Access type: Read/WriteQualifiers: [ResID(6306), ResDLL("SMS_RXPL.dll")]Version from the version resource string. This value is blank for unknown files.
- ModifiedDate
- Data type: DateTime Access type: Read/WriteQualifiers: [ResID(6309), ResDLL("SMS_RXPL.dll")]The date and time when the record in the database was last modified.
- FileModifiedDate
- Data type: DateTime Access type: Read/WriteQualifiers: [ResID(6312), ResDLL("SMS_RXPL.dll")]The date and time when the file was last modified.
- ProductId
- Data type: UInt32 Access type: Read/WriteQualifiers: [ResID(6303), ResDLL("SMS_RXPL.dll")]Value that associates the software file with a software product represented by an SMS_G_System_SoftwareProduct Server WMI Class object. A value of 0 indicates that the software file is not associated with a known software product, that is, it is an unknown file. Files with a ProductId value is 0 are identical to SMS_G_System_UnknownFile Server WMI Class objects.
- ResourceID
- Data type: UInt32 Access type: Read/Write Qualifiers: [key, ResID(6301), ResDLL("SMS_RXPL.dll")]See SMS_G_System Server WMI Class.
There are no special class qualifiers for this class. For more information about both the class qualifiers and the property qualifiers included in the Properties section, see Configuration Manager Class and Property Qualifiers.
This class represents both known product files and unknown product files. Known product files contain company and product resource information or are related to known product files. Although you can use this class for queries involving inventoried files, it is preferred to use SMS_ProductFileInfo Server WMI Class.
Although SMS_G_System_UnknownFile Server WMI Class defines the same unknown file information that is found in this class, there is no advantage to querying against SMS_G_System_UnknownFile for unknown product files. The following query returns all unknown product files from SMS_G_System_SoftwareFile.
![]() |
SELECT * FROM SMS_G_System_SoftwareFile WHERE ProductId = 0 |
The following query returns all known product files and their product information.
![]() |
SELECT * FROM SMS_G_System_SoftwareFile swf JOIN SMS_G_System_SoftwareProduct swp ON swf.ProductId = swp.ProductId AND swf.ResourceID = swp.ResourceID |
The Software Inventory Agent collects files identified in the site control file. To identify the files to collect, the agent:
- Queries the site control SMS_SCI_ClientComp
Server WMI Class objects for items having the value "Software
Inventory Agent" for the ClientComponentName property.
- Loops through the embedded property list. When the value for
PropertyName is "Inventoriable Types", the agent updates the
comma-delimited list of file names (including extensions) in the
Value2 property. When the value for PropertyName is
"Inventory Schedule", the agent updates the interval string in the
Value2 property. For information about creating an interval
string, see the example for the WriteToString Method in
Class SMS_ScheduleMethods method. When the value for
PropertyName is "Report Options", the agent updates the
reporting options value in the Value property, specifying at
least one reporting option for the software inventory to be
collected. The following table lists the reporting options.
Reporting option Description Product version information. Bit 0.
Inventories products that contain company and product resource information.
Files associated with known products. Bit 1.
Inventories files associated with products that contain company and product resource information. For example, Wwintl32.dll is inventoried because it is associated with Microsoft Word.
Set this bit only if the product version information reporting option is selected.
Files not associated with known products. Bit 2.
Inventories files that do not include company and product resource information (unknown files).
- For newly added inventory types, adds entries to the following
Path, Subdirectories, and Exclude embedded
property lists.
- Updates the site control file. For information about updating
the site control file, see Configuration Manager
Site Control File.
![]() |
Collecting inventory information for some files, for example, DLL files, can generate a large volume of network traffic and substantially increase the size of the Configuration Manager database. For this reason, test any changes you make in a test environment before implementing them in a production environment. |
Runtime Requirements
For more information, see Configuration Manager Server Runtime Requirements.
Development Requirements
For more information, see Configuration Manager Server Development Requirements.
See Also
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