The SMS_ConfigurationItemBaseClass Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) class is an SMS Provider server class, in Configuration Manager, that serves as an abstract base class for several Configuration Manager classes, for example, SMS_ConfigurationItem Server WMI Class.
The following syntax is simplified from Managed Object Format (MOF) code and includes all inherited properties.
Class SMS_ConfigurationItemBaseClass : SMS_BaseClass { String ApplicabilityCondition; String CategoryInstance_UniqueIDs[]; UInt32 CI_ID; String CI_UniqueID; UInt32 CIType_ID; UInt32 CIVersion; String CreatedBy; DateTime DateCreated; DateTime DateLastModified; DateTime EffectiveDate; UInt32 EULAAccepted; Boolean EULAExists; DateTime EULASignoffDate; String EULASignoffUser; Boolean IsBundle; Boolean IsDigest; Boolean IsEnabled; Boolean IsExpired; Boolean IsHidden; Boolean IsQuarantined; Boolean IsSuperseded; Boolean IsUserDefined; String LastModifiedBy; String LocalizedCategoryInstanceNames[]; String LocalizedDescription; String LocalizedDisplayName; String LocalizedInformativeURL; UInt32 LocalizedPropertyLocaleID; String ModelName; UInt32 PermittedUses; SMS_SDMPackageLocalizedData SDMPackageLocalizedData[]; UInt32 SDMPackageVersion; String SDMPackageXML; String SourceSite; }; |
The SMS_ConfigurationItemBaseClass class does not define any methods.
- ApplicabilityCondition
- Data type: StringAccess type: Read/WriteQualifiers: [SizeLimit("512"), not_null]Condition that the client evaluates before evaluating the configuration item targeted by an assignment. If the condition does not exist, the configuration item is not evaluated on the client. The string can contain up to 512 characters.
- CategoryInstance_UniqueIDs
- Data type: String ArrayAccess type: Read/WriteQualifiers: NoneThe unique IDs of the categories to which the configuration item belongs.
- Data type: UInt32Access type: Read/WriteQualifiers: [key]The unique ID of the configuration item. This ID is unique only for the site.
- CI_UniqueID
- Data type: StringAccess type: Read/WriteQualifiers:[unique, not_null]The unique ID of the configuration item. This ID is unique across sites.
- CIType_ID
- Data type: UInt32Access type: Read-onlyQualifiers:
[not_null, read]The type of the configuration item. Possible values
BusinessPolicy (General)
- CIVersion
- Data type: UInt32Access type: Read-onlyQualifiers: [read, not_null]Configuration item policy version, which is automatically incremented.
- CreatedBy
- Data type: StringAccess type: Read-onlyQualifiers: [SizeLimit("512"),read, not_null]Name of the user who created the configuration item.
- DateCreated
- Data type: DateTimeAccess type: Read-onlyQualifiers: [read, not_null]Date and time when the configuration item was created.
- DateLastModified
- Data type: DateTimeAccess type: Read-onlyQualifiers: [read]Date and time when the configuration item was last modified.
- EffectiveDate
- Data type: DateTimeAccess type: Read-onlyQualifiers: [read]Date and time when the Network Access Protection (NAP) compliance policy for the configuration item becomes effective.
- EULAAccepted
- Data type: UInt32Access type: Read-onlyQualifiers: [read]Indication of acceptance of the Microsoft Software License Terms for the configuration item. The default value is 2.
- EULAExists
- Data type: BooleanAccess type: Read-onlyQualifiers: [read]true if Microsoft Software License Terms exist. The default value is false.
- EULASignoffDate
- Data type: DateTimeAccess type: Read-onlyQualifiers: [read]Date and time when the Microsoft Software License Terms were signed off.
- EULASignoffUser
- Data type: StringAccess type: Read-onlyQualifiers: [read]User who signed off on the Microsoft Software License Terms.
- IsBundle
- Data type: BooleanAccess type: Read/WriteQualifiers: [not_null]true if the configuration item is bundled within another configuration item.
- IsDigest
- Data type: BooleanAccess type: Read-onlyQualifiers: [read, lazy]true if the SDMPackageXML property only contains DCM digest information.
- IsEnabled
- Data type: BooleanAccess type: Read/WriteQualifiers: [not_null]true if the configuration item is enabled and can be evaluated.
- IsExpired
- Data type: BooleanAccess type: Read/WriteQualifiers: [not_null]true if the configuration item is no longer active.
- IsHidden
- Data type: BooleanAccess type: Read/WriteQualifiers: [not_null]true if the configuration item is not shown in the Configuration Manager console.
- IsQuarantined
- Data type: BooleanAccess type: Read-onlyQualifiers: [read]true if the configuration item is used in NAP policy. The default value is false. This property only applies to software update configuration items. See SMS_SoftwareUpdate Server WMI Class.
- IsSuperseded
- Data type: BooleanAccess type: Read-onlyQualifiers: [read, not_null]true if the configuration item is superseded by a new configuration item.
- IsUserDefined
- Data type: BooleanAccess type: Read/WriteQualifiers: [not_null]true if the configuration item was created by the user.
- LastModifiedBy
- Data type: StringAccess type: Read-onlyQualifiers: [SizeLimit("512"), read, not_null]User who last modified the configuration item. The string can contain up to 512 characters.
- LocalizedCategoryInstanceNames
- Data type: String ArrayAccess type: Read-onlyQualifiers: [read]Localized names of the categories to which the configuration item belongs.
- LocalizedDescription
- Data type: StringAccess type: Read-onlyQualifiers: [read]Localized description of the configuration item.
- LocalizedDisplayName
- Data type: StringAccess type: Read-onlyQualifiers: [read]Localized display name of the configuration item.
- LocalizedInformativeURL
- Data type: StringAccess type: Read-onlyQualifiers: [read]URL for additional localized information about the configuration item.
- LocalizedPropertyLocaleID
- Data type: UInt32Access type: Read-onlyQualifiers: [read]Locale ID of the localized properties of the configuration item.
- ModelName
- Data type: StringAccess type: Read/WriteQualifiers: [unique,not_null]Desired configuration management model name for the configuration item.
- PermittedUses
- Data type: UInt32Access type: Read/WriteQualifiers: [not_null]Valid uses of the configuration item.
- SDMPackageLocalizedData
- Data type: SMS_SDMPackageLocalizedData ArrayAccess type: Read/WriteQualifiers: [lazy]Localized data files associated with the System Definition Model (SDM) package for the configuration item.
- SDMPackageVersion
- Data type: UInt32Access type: Read/WriteQualifiers: [not_null]Version of the SDM package associated with the configuration item.
- SDMPackageXML
- Data type: StringAccess type: Read/WriteQualifiers: [lazy]The DCM digest of the configuration item if it is a fully interpreted configuration item. This property indicates the Service Modeling Language (SML) definition of the configuration item if it is an item that is not interpreted or partially interpreted.
- SourceSite
- Data type: StringAccess type: Read/WriteQualifiers: [SizeLimit("3")]Site where the configuration item is imported or created. The string can contain up to three characters.
Class qualifiers for this class include:
- Abstract
For more information about both the class qualifiers and the property qualifiers included in the Properties section, see Configuration Manager Class and Property Qualifiers.
Runtime Requirements
For more information, see Configuration Manager Server Runtime Requirements.
Development Requirements
For more information, see Configuration Manager Server Development Requirements.
See Also
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