IDownloadStatus::DependentPkgIds is a read-only property, in Configuration Manager, that indicates the package to which a dependent program belongs.

HRESULT DependentPkgIds([out, retval] VARIANT* pVal);



Data type: VARIANTQualifiers: [out, retval]Pointer to the ID of the package to which the dependent program belongs.

Return Values

An HRESULT code. Possible values include, but are not limited to, the following:


The method succeeded.


This property is retrieved only when the download of the current program was initiated because of another dependent program. This property identifies the package to which dependent program belongs. The user must be logged on to the Configuration Manager console to access this property.

The download of the current program can be initiated because of multiple dependent programs. In this case, an array of package identifiers is returned for all dependent programs.



Runtime Requirements

Development Requirements

See Also

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