[This topic is pre-release documentation and is subject to change in future releases. Blank topics are included as placeholders.]

The ConfigMgrDeliveryScopeStatusMessagetype exposes the following methods.





 XNA Framework Only

 .NET Compact Framework Only

  Member Description
AddCertificateToMessage(MessageCertificateX509, CertificatePurposes)
Adds a certificate to the message
(Inherited from Message.)
AddCertificateToMessage(MessageCertificateX509, CertificatePurposes, Boolean)
Adds certificate to message with the option to disable any intelligence
(Inherited from Message.)
CloneBase () () () ()
Creates a clone of this message

IMPORTANT: This is not the same as Clone () () () () which is why this message type does not implement ICloneable. This does not behave the same as Clone () () () () . It is not recommended that any code outside of Messaging core code use this function without understanding how it works, what its limitations are, and why it's being used. Chances are if you're looking at this method, you probably want to use CloneByRef(IMessage)instead.

(Inherited from Message.)
Clones a reference of a message. Use this for doing a copy of an existing message (especially of a different type) into this one.

IMPORTANT: This is not the same as Clone () () () () which is why this message type does not implement ICloneable. This does not behave the same as Clone () () () () . It is not recommended that any code outside of Messaging core code use this function without understanding how it works, what its limitations are, and why it's being used.

(Inherited from Message.)
CloneByRef(IMessage, MessageCloneOptions)
Clones a reference of a message. Use this for doing a copy of an existing message (especially of a different type) into this one.

IMPORTANT: This is not the same as Clone () () () () which is why this message type does not implement ICloneable. This does not behave the same as Clone () () () () . It is not recommended that any code outside of Messaging core code use this function without understanding how it works, what its limitations are, and why it's being used.

(Inherited from Message.)
Invokes a statement within a thread-safe critical section
(Inherited from Message.)
CriticalSection < (Of < <' ( T > ) > > ) (Func < (Of < ( <' TResult > ) > ) > ) (Inherited from Message.)
DeserializeMessageBody () () () ()
Internal handler for deserializing payload to its object format. This should only be called by external code under exceptional circumstances.
(Inherited from Message.)
Discover () () () ()
Performs discovery if supported by the message.
(Inherited from Message.)
Equals(Object) (Inherited from Object.)
Finalize () () () () (Inherited from Object.)
Retrieves X509-based certificate from message.
(Inherited from Message.)
GetHashCode () () () () (Inherited from Object.)
GetType () () () () (Inherited from Object.)
MemberwiseClone () () () () (Inherited from Object.)
On deserialization, this ensures validity checks are never performed.
(Inherited from Message.)
PostSendActions(IMessageSender, Boolean)
Actions to run after the message is sent (asynchronous, use with care).
(Inherited from Message.)
PreSendActions () () () ()
Actions to run before the message is sent (synchronous and blocking)
(Inherited from Message.)
SendInlineStatusMessage(SmsEvent, IMessageSender)
Sends a status message. This is a synchronous operation so it should be called from a separate thread to avoid blocking
(Inherited from Message.)
SendInlineStatusMessage(StatusMessage, IMessageSender)
Sends a status message. This is a synchronous operation so it should be called from a separate thread to avoid blocking
(Inherited from Message.)
Sends the message using the specified sender
(Inherited from AsynchronousMessage.)
IMessage . . :: . . SendMessage(IMessageSender)
Sends message via the specified sender.
(Inherited from Message.)
Sends message via the specified sender.
(Inherited from Message.)
SendMessageSync < (Of < <' ( T > ) > > ) (IMessageSender)
Sends message via the specified sender.
(Inherited from Message.)
SerializeMessageBody () () () ()
Serializes the message body
(Overrides Message . . :: . . SerializeMessageBody () () () () .)
SimpleBodyDeserialization < (Of < <' ( T > ) > > ) () () () ()
Helper function that deserializes the object from the existing payload
(Inherited from Message.)
SimpleBodyDeserialization < (Of < <' ( T > ) > > ) (DeserializationArguments)
Helper function that deserializes the object from the existing payload
(Inherited from Message.)
Helper function that serializes the object to a payload
(Inherited from Message.)
ToString () () () () (Inherited from Object.)
Validate () () () ()
Validates all required message settings are present and meet the requirements. If this fails, it means that the message is almost certain to fail sending or being processed by the site/MP.
(Inherited from Message.)

See Also