The SMS_R_User Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) class is an SMS Provider server class, in System Center 2012 Configuration Manager, that is generated dynamically at SMS Provider run time and contains data discovery for users within a System Center 2012 Configuration Manager site hierarchy.
The following syntax is not defined in Managed Object Format (MOF) code.
Class SMS_R_User : SMS_Resource { String AgentName[]; String AgentSite[]; DateTime AgentTime[]; DateTime CreationDate; String DistinguishedName; String FullUserName; String Mail; String Name; String NetworkOperatingSystem; UInt8 ObjectGUID; UInt32 PrimaryGroupID; UInt32 ResourceID; UInt32 ResourceType; String SID; String UniqueUserName; UInt32 UserAccountControl; String UserContainerName[]; String UserGroupName[]; String UserName; String UserOUName[]; String WindowsNTDomain; }; |
The SMS_R_User class does not define any methods.
- AgentName
- Data type: String ArrayAccess type: Read-onlyQualifiers: NoneList of discovery agents that found this resource.
- AgentSite
- Data type: String Array Access type: Read-onlyQualifiers: NoneList of sites from which the discovery agents ran.
- AgentTime
- Data type: DateTime ArrayAccess type: Read-onlyQualifiers: NoneList of discovery times.
- CreationDate
- Data type: DateTimeAccess type: Read-onlyQualifiers: NoneThe date the record was first created, which is the date when the resource was discovered.
- DistinguishedName
- Data type: String Access type: Read-onlyQualifiers: NoneDistinguished name of the user resource retrieved from Active Directory.
- FullUserName
- Data type: String Access type: Read-onlyQualifiers: NoneFor Windows NT users, the value of the Full Name property of User Properties; for Windows 2000 users, the value of the Display Name property in Active Directory.
- Data type: StringAccess type: Read-onlyQualifiers: NoneMail address of the user resource retrieved from Active Directory.
- Name
- Data type: StringAccess type: Read-onlyQualifiers: NoneUser name displayed in the System Center 2012 Configuration Manager console. Its format is UniqueUserName (FullUserName), where FullUserName is included only if it contains a value.
- NetworkOperatingSystem
- Data type: StringAccess type: Read-onlyQualifiers: NoneFree-form string describing the operating system.
- ObjectGUID
- Data type: UInt8Access type: Read-onlyQualifiers: NoneObject GUID of the user resource retrieved from Active Directory.
- PrimaryGroupID
- Data type: UInt32Access type: Read-onlyQualifiers: NonePrimary group ID of the user resource retrieved from Active Directory.
- ResourceID
- Data type: UInt32Access type: Read/Write Qualifiers: [key]See SMS_Resource Server WMI Class.
- ResourceType
- Data type: UInt32Access type: Read-onlyQualifiers: NoneType of resources on the site. For more information, see SMS_ResourceMap Server WMI Class.
- Data type: StringAccess type: Read-onlyQualifiers: NoneSecurity identifier of the user resource retrieved from Active Directory.
- UniqueUserName
- Data type: StringAccess type: Read-onlyQualifiers: NoneUnique user name in the form domain\user name.
- UserAccountControl
- Data type: UInt32Access type: Read-onlyQualifiers: NoneUser account control value retrieved from Active Directory.
- UserContainerName
- Data type: String ArrayAccess type: Read-onlyQualifiers: NoneAn array of Active Directory container names to which the user belongs.
- UserGroupName
- Data type: String Array Access type: Read-onlyQualifiers: NoneAn array of Active Directory group names to which the user belongs.
- UserName
- Data type: StringAccess type: Read-onlyQualifiers: NoneUser logon name.
- UserOUName
- Data type: String Array Access type: Read-onlyQualifiers: NoneAn array of Active Directory organizational units (OUs) to which the user belongs.
- WindowsNTDomain
- Data type: StringAccess type: Read-onlyQualifiers: NoneWindows NT domain that is associated with the resource.
You cannot create or update resource instances by using WMI, but must create or update resources by using data discovery records. Note, however, that you can delete resource instances by using WMI.
Runtime Requirements
For more information, see Configuration Manager Server Runtime Requirements.
Development Requirements
For more information, see Configuration Manager Server Development Requirements.