In System Center 2012 Configuration Manager, the application management interfaces are used by client applications to manage application management functionality on the client.

In This Section

Term Definition

AppDetectState Enumeration

The AppDetectState enumeration defines application installation states. This enumeration is used by the IAppManagementHandler Interface.

AppContentInfo Structure

The AppContentInfo structure contains information about the application content.

AppDeploymentTypeData Structure

The AppDeploymentTypeData structure contains detection results for a set of deployment types.

AppDeploymentTypeItem Structure

The AppDeploymentTypeItem structure contains detection results for an individual deployment type.

IAppContentExt Interface

The IAppContentExt interface defines functions to retrieve the application content information.

IAppManagementHandler Interface

The IAppManagementHandler interface defines functions to interact with the handler.

IAppManagementTypes Interface

The IAppManagementTypes interface is a container for Application Management related type definitions.

See Also