The SMS_TaskSequence_ApplyNetworkSettingsAction Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) class is an SMS Provider server class, in Configuration Manager, that represents a task sequence action that specifies the network or workgroup configuration information for the target computer.
The following syntax is simplified from Managed Object Format (MOF) code and includes all inherited properties.
Class SMS_TaskSequence_ApplyNetworkSettingsAction : SMS_TaskSequence_Action { SMS_TaskSequence_NetworkAdapterSettings Adapters[]; SMS_TaskSequence_Condition Condition; Boolean ContinueOnError; String Description; String DNSDomain; String DNSSuffixSearchOrder[]; String DomainName; String DomainOUName; String DomainPassword; String DomainUsername; Boolean Enabled; Boolean EnableTCPIPFiltering; String Name; UInt32 NetworkJoinType; UInt32 NumAdapters; String SupportedEnvironment; UInt32 Timeout; String WorkgroupName; }; |
The SMS_TaskSequence_ApplyNetworkSettingsAction class does not define any methods.
- Adapters
- Data type: SMS_TaskSequence_NetworkAdapterSettings ArrayAccess type: Read/WriteQualifiers: [Global, VariableName("OSDAdapter")]SMS_TaskSequence_NetworkAdapterSettings Server WMI Class objects representing settings for the adapters installed on the target computer. This property must be global so that it is visible in finalize mode.The task sequence variable associated with this property is OSDAdapter. For more information, see the MSDN documentation for Operating System Deployment Task Sequence Variables.
- Condition
- Data type: SMS_TaskSequence_ConditionAccess type: Read/WriteQualifiers: NoneSee SMS_TaskSequence_Action Server WMI Class.
- ContinueOnError
- Data type: BooleanAccess type: Read/WriteQualifiers: NoneSee SMS_TaskSequence_Action Server WMI Class.
- Description
- Data type: StringAccess type: Read/WriteQualifiers: [AllowedLen("0-255")]See SMS_TaskSequence_Action Server WMI Class.
- DNSDomain
- Data type: StringAccess type: Read/WriteQualifiers: [Global]The primary Domain Name System (DNS) domain. This property must be global so that it is visible in finalize mode.
- DNSSuffixSearchOrder
- Data type: String ArrayAccess type: Read/WriteQualifiers: [Global]The DNS suffix search order. This property must be global so that it is visible in finalize mode.
- DomainName
- Data type: StringAccess type: Read/WriteQualifiers: [RequiredIfNull("WorkgroupName"), AllowedLen("1-255")]Name of the domain for the target computer. The name can be between 1 and 255 characters in length. Supply this name if NetworkJoinType is set to 0.
- DomainOUName
- Data type: StringAccess type: Read/WriteQualifiers: [AllowedLen("0-32767")]The name of the Active Directory organizational unit (OU) to which the user belongs. The name can be between 0 and 32,767 characters in length. Set this property if NetworkJoinType is set to 0.
- DomainPassword
- Data type: StringAccess type: Read/WriteQualifiers: [VariableName("OSDJoinPassword"), Secret]Password of the account used when the user joins a Windows domain. Set this property if NetworkJoinType is set to 0.The task sequence variable associated with this property is OSDJoinPassword. For more information, see the MSDN documentation for Operating System Deployment Task Sequence Variables.
- DomainUsername
- Data type: StringAccess type: Read/WriteQualifiers: [VariableName("OSDJoinAccount")]Account used when the user joins a Windows domain. Set this property if NetworkJoinType is set to 0. The task sequence variable associated with this property is OSDJoinAccount, which specifies the network account that should be used to add the target computer to a Windows domain. For more information, see the MSDN documentation for Operating System Deployment Task Sequence Variables.
- Enabled
- Data type: BooleanAccess type: Read/WriteQualifiers: NoneSee SMS_TaskSequence_Action Server WMI Class.
- EnableTCPIPFiltering
- Data type: BooleanAccess type: Read/WriteQualifiers: [Global]true to enable TCP/IP filtering. The default value is false. This property must be global so that it is visible in finalize mode.
- Name
- Data type: StringAccess type: Read/WriteQualifiers: [AllowedLen("1-100")]See SMS_TaskSequence_Action Server WMI Class.
- NetworkJoinType
- Data type: UInt32Access type: Read/WriteQualifiers:
[Not_Null]The type of network join supported by the target
computer. Possible values are:
- NumAdapters
- Data type: UInt32Access type: Read/WriteQualifiers: [Global, VariableName("OSDAdapterCount")]Size of the array indicated by the Adapters property. This property must be global so that it is visible in finalize mode.The task sequence variable associated with this property is OSDAdapterCount. For more information, see the MSDN documentation for Operating System Deployment Task Sequence Variables.OSDAdapterCount
- SupportedEnvironment
- Data type: StringAccess type: Read/WriteQualifiers: [Not_Null:ToInstance]See SMS_TaskSequence_Action Server WMI Class.
- Timeout
- Data type: UInt32Access type: Read/WriteQualifiers: NoneSee SMS_TaskSequence_Action Server WMI Class.
- WorkgroupName
- Data type: StringAccess type: Read/WriteQualifiers: [RequiredIfNull("DomainName"), AllowedLen("1-32")]Name of the workgroup joined by the target computer. The name can be between 1 and 32 characters in length. Set this property if NetworkJoinType is set to 1.
Class qualifiers for this class include:
[CommandLine("osdnetsettings.exe configure"),VariablePrefix("OSD"), ActionCategory{"Settings,4,6"},ActionUI{"AdminUI.TaskSequenceEditor.dll", "Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.AdminConsole.TaskSequenceEditor", "ApplyNetworkSettingsControl", "TaskSequenceOptionControl"}]
For more information about both the class qualifiers and the property qualifiers included in the Properties section, see Configuration Manager Class and Property Qualifiers.
Runtime Requirements
For more information, see Configuration Manager Server Runtime Requirements.
Development Requirements
For more information, see Configuration Manager Server Development Requirements.