The SMS_Role Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) class is an SMS Provider server class, in Configuration Manager, that represents an RBA role.
The following syntax is simplified from Managed Object Format (MOF) code and includes all inherited properties.
Class SMS_Role : SMS_BaseClass { String CopiedFromID; String CreatedBy; DateTime CreatedDate; Boolean IsBuiltIn; Boolean IsSecAdminRole; String LastModifiedBy; DateTime LastModifiedDate; UInt32 NumberOfAdmins; SMS_ARoleOperation Operations[]; String RoleDescription; String RoleID; String RoleName; String SourceSite; }; |
The following table lists the methods in the SMS_Role class.
Method | Description |
Exports roles to an XML string. |
Imports a role defined by an XML string to the database. |
- CopiedFromID
- Data type: StringAccess type: Read/Write Qualifiers: [sizelimit(“8”)]Role ID from which this role was copied.
- CreatedBy
- Data type: StringAccess type: Read-only Qualifiers: [not_null, read, SizeLimit(“512”)]Name of the user that created this role.
- CreatedDate
- Data type: DateTimeAccess type: Read-only Qualifiers: [not_null, read]Date that the role was created.
- IsBuiltIn
- Data type: BooleanAccess type: Read-only Qualifiers: [read]true, if this is a built-in role.
- IsSecAdminRole
- Data type: BooleanAccess type: Read-only Qualifiers: [read]true, if this role as a secured admin role. The role is security admin role if the role has can create or modify admin permission.
- LastModifiedBy
- Data type: StringAccess type: Read-only Qualifiers: [not_null, read, SizeLimit(“512”)]The name of the user that last modified the role.
- LastModifiedDate
- Data type: DateTimeAccess type: Read-only Qualifiers: [not_null, read]The time when the role was last modified.
- NumberOfAdmins
- Data type: UInt32Access type: Read-only Qualifiers: [read]The number of admin accounts associated with this role.
- Operations
- Data type: SMS_ARoleOperation ArrayAccess type: Read/Write Qualifiers: NoneThe operations granted to this role.
- RoleDescription
- Data type: StringAccess type: Read/Write Qualifiers: [sizelimit(“512”)]Description of the role.
- RoleID
- Data type: StringAccess type: Read-only Qualifiers: [key, read]The ID of the role. Auto generated when the role was created. This ID will not change during the lifetime of the role and will be unique across sites.
- RoleName
- Data type: StringAccess type: Read/Write Qualifiers: [not_null, sizelimit(“256”)]Name of the role.
- SourceSite
- Data type: StringAccess type: Read-only Qualifiers: [not_null, read, SizeLimit(“3”)]The site code of the site where the role was created.
Runtime Requirements
For more information, see Configuration Manager Server Runtime Requirements.
Development Requirements
For more information, see Configuration Manager Server Development Requirements.