The SendNotifyProgressToCTM method notifies Content Transfer Manager of the progress of a job.
HRESULT stdcall SendNotifyProgressToCTM( LPCWSTR szProgressType, LPCWSTR szEndpoint, LPCWSTR szID, LPCWSTR szClientData, LPCWSTR szBytesTotal, LPCWSTR szBytesTransferred, ULONG ulFilesTotal, ULONG ulFilesTransferred ); |
- szProgressType
- Data type: LPCWSTRQualifiers: [in]Either one of the S_DTS_* constants for status changes or NULL/empty string for a bytes progress only.
- szEndpoint
- Data type: LPCWSTRQualifiers: [in]The notification endpoint. This was passed into the call to ICcmAlternateDownloadProvider::DownloadContent (szNotifyEndpoint).
- szID
- Data type: UInt32Qualifiers: [in]The job to which the notification corresponds. This is the GUID originally returned by ICcmAlternateDownloadProvider::DownloadContent.
- szClientData
- Data type: LPCWSTRQualifiers: [in]The client-specific data which was passed into the call to ICcmAlternateDownloadProvider::DownloadContent (szNotifyData).
- szBytesTotal
- Data type: LPCWSTRQualifiers: [in]The total number of bytes in the job.
- szBytesTransferred
- Data type: LPCWSTRQualifiers: [in]The number of bytes transferred so far.
- ulFilesTotal
- Data type: ULONGQualifiers: [in]The total number of files in the job.
- ulFilesTransferred
- Data type: ULONGQualifiers: [in]The number of files transferred so far.
If the totals are not yet known, pass 0 for the values. Once the provider has determined the total byte and file count, those values should be used.
Return Values
An HRESULT code. Possible values include, but are not limited to, the following:
- S_OK
- Success implies that discovery was triggered successfully. All other return values indicate failure.
Runtime Requirements
For more information, see Configuration Manager Client Runtime Requirements.
Development Requirements
For more information, see Configuration Manager Client Development Requirements.