The SMS_DPStatusInfo Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) class is an SMS Provider server class, in Configuration Manager, that represents distribution point status information.
The following syntax is simplified from Managed Object Format (MOF) code and includes all inherited properties.
Class SMS_DPStatusInfo : SMS_BaseClass { Boolean IsDPMonEnabled; Boolean IsMulticast; Boolean IsPXE; DateTime LastStatusTime; UInt32 MessageCount; UInt32 MessageState; String NALPath; String Name; UInt32 NumberErrors; UInt32 NumberInProgress; UInt32 NumberInstalled; UInt32 NumberUnknown; }; |
The SMS_DPStatusInfo class does not define any methods.
- IsDPMonEnabled
- Data type: BooleanAccess type: Read-only Qualifiers: [not_null, read]true if this distribution point is monitored by distribution point monitor.
- IsMulticast
- Data type: BooleanAccess type: Read-only Qualifiers: [not_null, read]true if this this distribution point multicast enabled.
- Data type: BooleanAccess type: Read-only Qualifiers: [not_null, read]true if this this distribution point is PXE enabled.
- LastStatusTime
- Data type: DateTimeAccess type: Read-only Qualifiers: [read]Time of the last status message.
- MessageCount
- Data type: UInt32Access type: Read-only Qualifiers: [not_null, read]Count of the number of messages on this distribution point.
- MessageState
- Data type: UInt32Access type: Read-only Qualifiers:
[not_null, read]State of the message.
- NALPath
- Data type: StringAccess type: Read-only Qualifiers: [key, not_null, read]Distribution point NAL path.
- Name
- Data type: StringAccess type: Read-only Qualifiers: [read]Name of the distribution point.
- NumberErrors
- Data type: UInt32Access type: Read-only Qualifiers: [not_null, read]Count of the failed content installations.
- NumberInProgress
- Data type: UInt32Access type: Read-only Qualifiers: [not_null, read]Count of the content installations in progress.
- NumberInstalled
- Data type: UInt32Access type: Read-only Qualifiers: [not_null, read]Count of the installed content.
- NumberUnknown
- Data type: UInt32Access type: Read-only Qualifiers: [not_null, read]Count of the unknown content.
Runtime Requirements
For more information, see Configuration Manager Server Runtime Requirements.
Development Requirements
For more information, see Configuration Manager Server Development Requirements.