The custom client-side handler needs to implement a public COM interface and methods. The below methods will be called by the Configuration Manager client framework.

The client extension maps closely to the Installer object, defined as part of the DeploymentType. Property values are stored in WMI and the public COM methods in the client-side handler map to detection, installation and uninstallation.

The COM object’s globally unique identifier needs to be registered in WMI; see the topic How to Define the AppSynclet MOF File.

A complete example of implementing the public COM interface and methods is provided for reference. Below are examples of key methods.

  1. InstallApp Method

  2. UninstallApp Method

  3. DiscoverApp Method

To define a custom client-side handler

  1. In the client-side handler, create an instance of the InstallApp method class. This method will be called by client framework.

    The following example from the RDP sample project demonstrates how to define an InstallApp method.

      Copy Code
    HRESULT CRdpHandler::InstallApp
    	__in  HANDLE				hUserToken, 
    	__in  IWbemClassObject  *   pHandlerSynclet, 
    	__in  LPCWSTR			 szLocalContentPath
    	CComPtr<IWbemClassObject> 	 spHandlerSynclet; 
    	RdpInstallationParam rdpInstallationParam; 
    	wstring sContentPath; 
    	wstring sSourceFileName; 
    	wstring sDestFileName; 
    	wstring sInstallFolder; 
    	HRESULT hrResult = S_OK; 
    	//Read synclet
    	hrResult = GetInstallationParamFromSynclet(spHandlerSynclet,rdpInstallationParam); 
    	if(FAILED(hrResult)) {return hrResult;} 
    	hrResult = ExpandSystemEnvironmentStrings(hUserToken,rdpInstallationParam.InstallFolder.c_str(),sInstallFolder); 
    	if(FAILED(hrResult)) {return hrResult;} 
    	if (!IsDirectoryExists(sInstallFolder.c_str()))
    		hrResult = RecursiveCreatePath(sInstallFolder.c_str(),NULL); 
    		if(FAILED(hrResult)) {return hrResult;} 
    	sDestFileName = sInstallFolder + L"\\" + rdpInstallationParam.Filename; 
    	if (rdpInstallationParam.ConstructRdpOnClient) 
    		hrResult = ConstructRdpFile(sDestFileName,rdpInstallationParam); 
    		sSourceFileName = sContentPath + L"\\" + rdpInstallationParam.ContentFilename; 
    		//Check if the specific RDP file exists in file system
    		if(!IsFileExist( sSourceFileName.c_str()))
    			hrResult = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError());
    		return hrResult; 
  2. In the client-side handler, create an instance of the UninstallApp method class. This method will be called by the client framework.

    The following example from the RDP sample project demonstrates how to define an UninstallApp method.

      Copy Code
    //  CRdpHandler::UninstallApp
    //  Purpose: Delete an Rdp file per the uninstalation synclet. 
    //  Parameters: 
    //  Return values: 
    //	S_OK - Success: Success
    //	All other return values indicate failure. 
    HRESULT CRdpHandler::UninstallApp
    	__in  HANDLE				hUserToken, 
    	__in  IWbemClassObject  *   pHandlerSynclet
    	CComPtr<IWbemClassObject> 	 spHandlerSynclet; 
    	RdpUninstallationParam rdpUninstallationParam; 
    	wstring  sRdpFileFullPath; 
    	HRESULT hrResult = S_OK; 
    	spHandlerSynclet = pHandlerSynclet; 
    	hrResult = GetUninstallationParamFromSynclet(spHandlerSynclet,rdpUninstallationParam); 
    	if(FAILED(hrResult)) {return hrResult;} 
    	wstring sInstallFolder = rdpUninstallationParam.InstallFolder; 
    	hrResult = ExpandSystemEnvironmentStrings(hUserToken,rdpUninstallationParam.InstallFolder.c_str(),sInstallFolder); if(FAILED(hrResult)) {return hrResult; } 
    	sRdpFileFullPath = sInstallFolder + L"\\" + rdpUninstallationParam.Filename; 
    			return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError());
    	return hrResult; 
  3. In the client-side handler, create an instance of the DiscoverApp method class. This method will be called by client framework.

    The following example from the RDP sample project demonstrates how to define a DiscoverApp method.

      Copy Code
    //  CRdpHandler::DiscoverApp
    //  Purpose: check if an Rdp file is installed per detect synclet
    //  Parameters: 
    //	__in HANDLE hUserToken: the user token. If it is null, the action is for computer. If it is not NULL, the action is for the user
    //	__in  LPCWSTR				 szDeploymentTypeId: the id of the deployment type. 
    //	__in  DWORD					 dwDeploymentTypeRevision: The revision of the deployment type
    //	__out AppDeploymentTypeData *   pDetectResult: The detection result
    //  Return values: 
    //	S_OK - Success: 
    //	All other return values indicate failure. 
    STDMETHODIMP CRdpHandler::DiscoverApp
    	__in  HANDLE					hUserToken, 
    	__in  LPCWSTR				 szDeploymentTypeId, 
    	__in  DWORD					 dwDeploymentTypeRevision, 
    	__out AppDeploymentTypeData *   pDetectResult
    	CComPtr<IWbemClassObject> 	 spHandlerSynclet; 
    	CString			sTargetedSyncletPath; 
    	RdpDiscoverParam	rdpDiscoverParam; 
    	AppDetectState	eDetectState; 
    	HRESULT hrResult = S_OK; 
    	// Initial return
    	ZeroMemory(pDetectResult, sizeof(AppDeploymentTypeData)); 
    	// Load the synclet
    	sTargetedSyncletPath.Format(L"Rdp_Detect_Synclet.ActionType=\"Detect\",AppDeliveryTypeId=\"%s\",Revision=%d", szDeploymentTypeId, dwDeploymentTypeRevision); 
    	BSTR bsTargetedSyncletPath = sTargetedSyncletPath.AllocSysString();
    	hrResult = m_pSvc->GetObject(bsTargetedSyncletPath,0, NULL,&spHandlerSynclet,NULL); 
    	if(FAILED(hrResult)) {return hrResult;} 
    	// Populate information from synclet to discovery param. 
    	hrResult = GetDiscoverParamFromSynclet(spHandlerSynclet,rdpDiscoverParam); 
    	if(FAILED(hrResult)) {return hrResult;} 
    	// Discover it
    	hrResult = DiscoverIndividualApp(
    	if(FAILED(hrResult)) {return hrResult;} 
    	// Return result
    	if (appDetectInstalled == eDetectState) 
    		hrResult = AllocInitDetectData(pDetectResult, 1); 
    		if(FAILED(hrResult)) {return hrResult;} 
    		hrResult = MarkDetectItem(
    		if(FAILED(hrResult)) {return hrResult;} 
    	return hrResult; 

See Also