The SmsEvent class represents a System Center 2012 Configuration Manager event on the client. The class implements the ICcmEvent interface.

Methods and Properties

Term Description

ICCMEvent::EventType Property

Indicates the type of Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) event that is being raised.

ICCMEvent::RawEvent Property

Adds information to custom events.

ICCMEvent::SetProperty Method

Sets an event property.

ICCMEvent::Submit Method

Submits an event to WMI.

ICCMEvent::SubmitPending Method

Submits an event to WMI in situations where the Configuration Manager Agent Host (CCMEXEC) service might not be running.


The ProgID for the automation object is Microsoft.SMS.Event and it is implemented as part of Smscore.dll. The Visual Basic reference for early binding is SMSCorLib. The early binding object name is SMSEvent.



Runtime Requirements

Development Requirements

See Also