In System Center 2012 Configuration Manager, you specify the supported platforms of a driver in the SDMPackageXML property XML of the driver's SMS_Driver Server WMI Class object. The XML contains a node PlatformApplicabilityConditions to which you add PlatformApplicabilityCondition elements for each platform the driver supports.
Note |
You should add only platforms that are listed in a SMS_SupportedPlatforms Server WMI Class object. Drivers can only be conditioned for major operating system releases, that is, it is not possible to target drivers at service packs. |
Caution |
The supported platforms portion of SDMPackageXML is the only part of the CI-XML schema that can be edited. You should not make changes to other parts of the XML.The following XML demonstrates a driver that supports two platforms. For more information about the supported platforms schema, see Operating System Deployment Driver Supported Platforms Schema. |
Copy Code | |
<PlatformApplicabilityConditions> <PlatformApplicabilityCondition DisplayName="All x64 Windows XP Professional" MaxVersion="5.20.9999.9999" MinVersion="5.20.3790.0" Name="Win NT" Platform="x64"> <Query1>SELECT * FROM Win32_OperatingSystem WHERE BuildNumber = '3790' AND OSType=18 AND ProductType=1</Query1> <Query2>SELECT * FROM Win32_Processor WHERE Architecture=9 AND DataWidth=64</Query2> </PlatformApplicabilityCondition> <PlatformApplicabilityCondition DisplayName="All x86 Windows 2000" MaxVersion="5.00.9999.9999" MinVersion="5.00.0000.0" Name="Win NT" Platform="I386"> <Query1>SELECT * FROM Win32_OperatingSystem WHERE BuildNumber = '2195' AND OSType=18 AND ServicePackMajorVersion >= 4</Query1> <Query2>SELECT * FROM Win32_Processor WHERE Architecture=0</Query2> </PlatformApplicabilityCondition> </PlatformApplicabilityConditions> |
To validate the platform applicability requirements, use the SMS_SupportedPlatforms Server WMI Class class Condition property for the required platform.
To specify the supported platforms for a driver
Set up a connection to the SMS Provider. For more information, see About the SMS Provider in Configuration Manager.
Get the SMS_Driver Server WMI Class object for the driver. The driver is identified by the key property CI_ID. For information about getting objects by using a key property, see How to Read a Configuration Manager Object by Using Managed Code
Update the driver XML.
Commit the changes back to the SMS Provider.
The following example method adds a supported platform to the driver that is identified by objDriver. For example, the following calling code adds Windows XP Professional x64 operating system to the driver objDriver list of supported platforms. You can get the details for a specific platform from its SMS_SupportedPlatforms object instance.
AddSupportedPlatform objDriver, "All x64 Windows
XP Professional", "5.20.9999.9999","5.20.3790.0", "Win NT","x64",
"SELECT * FROM Win32_OperatingSystem WHERE BuildNumber = 3790 AND
OSType=18 AND ProductType=1", "SELECT * FROM Win32_Processor WHERE
Architecture=9 AND DataWidth=64"
For information about calling the sample code, see Calling Configuration Manager Code Snippets.
Visual Basic Script | Copy Code |
Sub AddSupportedPlatform( objDriver, sDisplayName, sMaxVersion, sMinVersion, sName, sPlatform, sQuery1, sQuery2 ) Dim xmlDoc Dim objPlatformNode Dim objAttr Dim objQuery1Node Dim objQuery2Node Dim objPlatformsNode Dim objDriverNode ' Load the SDM Package XML. Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.6.0") xmlDoc.async = False xmlDoc.loadXML(objDriver.Properties_.item("SDMPackageXML")) xmlDoc.setProperty _ "SelectionNamespaces","xmlns:dcm=''" ' Create a new platform node. Set objPlatformNode = xmlDoc.createNode _ ( 1, "PlatformApplicabilityCondition", _ "") ' Set DisplayName. Set objAttr = xmlDoc.createAttribute("DisplayName") objAttr.value = sDisplayName objPlatformNode.setAttributeNode(objAttr) ' Set MaxVersion. Set objAttr = xmlDoc.createAttribute("MaxVersion") objAttr.value = sMaxVersion objPlatformNode.setAttributeNode(objAttr) ' Set MinVersion. Set objAttr = xmlDoc.createAttribute("MinVersion") objAttr.value = sMinVersion objPlatformNode.setAttributeNode(objAttr) ' Set Name. Set objAttr = xmlDoc.createAttribute("Name") objAttr.value = sName objPlatformNode.setAttributeNode(objAttr) ' Set Platform. Set objAttr = xmlDoc.createAttribute("Platform") objAttr.value = sPlatform objPlatformNode.setAttributeNode(objAttr) ' Set Query1. Set objQuery1Node = xmlDoc.createNode(1, "Query1", "") objQuery1Node.text = sQuery1 objPlatformNode.appendChild(objQuery1Node) ' Set Query2. Set objQuery2Node = xmlDoc.createNode(1, "Query2", "") objQuery2Node.text = sQuery2 objPlatformNode.appendChild(objQuery2Node) ' Append to platforms node. Set objPlatformsNode = xmlDoc.selectSingleNode("/dcm:DesiredConfigurationDigest/dcm:Driver/dcm:PlatformApplicabilityConditions") objPlatformsNode.appendChild(objPlatformNode) ' Increment the version number. Set objDriverNode = xmlDoc.selectSingleNode("/dcm:DesiredConfigurationDigest/dcm:Driver") Set objAttr = objDriverNode.attributes.getNamedItem("Version") objAttr.value = objAttr.value + 1 ' Save the object. objDriver.Properties_.item("SDMPackageXML") = xmlDoc.xml objDriver.Put_ End Sub |
C# | Copy Code |
public void AddSupportedPlatform( IResultObject driver, string displayName, string maxVersion, string minVersion, string name, string platform, string query1, string query2) { try { XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.LoadXml(driver["SDMPackageXML"].StringValue); string dcmXmlNamespace = ""; XmlNode condition = xmlDoc.CreateNode (XmlNodeType.Element, "PlatformApplicabilityCondition", dcmXmlNamespace); XmlAttribute displayNameAttribute = xmlDoc.CreateAttribute("DisplayName"); displayNameAttribute.Value = displayName; condition.Attributes.SetNamedItem(displayNameAttribute); XmlAttribute osMaxVersionAttribute = xmlDoc.CreateAttribute("MaxVersion"); osMaxVersionAttribute.Value = maxVersion; condition.Attributes.SetNamedItem(osMaxVersionAttribute); XmlAttribute osMinVersionAttribute = xmlDoc.CreateAttribute("MinVersion"); osMinVersionAttribute.Value = minVersion; condition.Attributes.SetNamedItem(osMinVersionAttribute); XmlAttribute osNameAttribute = xmlDoc.CreateAttribute("Name"); osNameAttribute.Value = name; condition.Attributes.SetNamedItem(osNameAttribute); XmlAttribute osPlatformAttribute = xmlDoc.CreateAttribute("Platform"); osPlatformAttribute.Value = platform; condition.Attributes.SetNamedItem(osPlatformAttribute); // Create <Query1/> and <Query2/> child nodes. // Then attach to <PlatformApplicabilityCondition/>. XmlNode query1Node = xmlDoc.CreateNode (XmlNodeType.Element, "Query1", dcmXmlNamespace); query1Node.InnerText = query1; condition.AppendChild(query1Node); XmlNode query2Node = xmlDoc.CreateNode (XmlNodeType.Element, "Query2", dcmXmlNamespace); query2Node.InnerText = query2; condition.AppendChild(query2Node); XmlNode platformsNode = xmlDoc["DesiredConfigurationDigest"]["Driver"]["PlatformApplicabilityConditions"]; if (platformsNode == null) { Console.WriteLine("empty"); } platformsNode.AppendChild(condition); XmlNode driverNode = xmlDoc["DesiredConfigurationDigest"]["Driver"]; if (driverNode != null) { int driverVersion = int.Parse(driverNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("Version").Value) + 1; driverNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("Version").Value = (driverVersion + 1).ToString(); } else { throw new XmlException("Unable to find <Driver/> node while AddingSupportedPlatforms"); } // Add the package XML to the driver. StringBuilder xmlText = new StringBuilder(); xmlDoc.WriteContentTo(new XmlTextWriter(new StringWriter(xmlText))); driver["SDMPackageXML"].StringValue = xmlText.ToString(); driver.Put(); } catch (SmsException e) { Console.WriteLine("failed to add supported platform to driver " + e.Message); throw; } } |
The example method has the following parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
driver objDriver |
displayName sDisplayName |
The display name for the condition shown in the System Center 2012 Configuration Manager console. |
maxVersion sMaxVersion |
The maximum supported version. |
minVersion sMinVersion |
The minimum supported version. |
name sName |
The operating system name. |
platform sPlatform |
The platform name. |
query1 sQuery1 |
The first query used to identify the client platform. |
query2 sQuery2 |
The second query used to identify the client platform. |
Compiling the Code
This C# example requires:
Robust Programming
For more information about error handling, see About Configuration Manager Errors.
For more information about securing Configuration Manager applications, see Securing Configuration Manager Applications.
See Also
How to Connect to an SMS Provider in Configuration Manager by Using Managed CodeHow to Connect to an SMS Provider in Configuration Manager by Using WMI
How to Move a Step to a Different Operating System Deployment Task Sequence Group
How to Create an Operating System Deployment Task Sequence Group
How to Remove a Step from an Operating System Deployment Group
SMS_SupportedPlatforms Server WMI ClassSMS_SupportedPlatforms Server WMI Class
Configuration Manager Operating System DeploymentConfiguration Manager Objects
Configuration Manager Programming Fundamentals
Operating System Deployment Task Sequencing