The ICIINFO::GetJobState method, in Configuration Manager, gets the current operational state of the configuration item that is part of a job or task.
[IDL] HRESULT GetJobState( CIJobState* pCIJobState, Percentage* ppctComplete, HRESULT* phrStatus ); |
- pCIJobState
- Data type: CIJobStateQualifiers: [out]Pointer to a CIJobState Enumeration value indicating the current operational state of the configuration item. This parameter retrieves ciStatusError if the state is not available.
- ppctComplete
- Data type: PercentageQualifiers: [out]Pointer to a Percentage object indicating the percentage of job completion.
- phrStatus
- Data type: HRESULTQualifiers: [out]Pointer to an HRESULT code representing the current status. This parameter indicates an error code if pCIJobState retrieves a value of ciStatusError.
Return Values
An HRESULT code. Possible values include, but are not limited to, the following:
- S_OK
- The method succeeded. All other return values indicate failure.
Runtime Requirements
For more information, see Configuration Manager Client Runtime Requirements.
Development Requirements
For more information, see Configuration Manager Client Development Requirements.