You import a MOF file to extend inventory, in System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager, by using the ImportInventoryReport method.

To import MOF file to extend hardware inventory

  1. Connect to the site server namespace (root\sms\site_<site code>).

  2. Get the SMS_InventoryReport class.

  3. Invoke the ImportInventoryReport method, passing in the InventoryReportID, ImportType, MofBuffer parameters.


The following example imports a MOF file to extend inventory using the ImportInventoryReport method.

C#  Copy Code
public class ImportInventory{ 		public const string HardwareInventoryReportID = "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001}"; static void Main(string[] args)	{ 	if (args != null && args.Length >= 2)		{ 		string fileName = args[0]; 		string siteCode = args[1]; 		ImportInventoryReport(siteCode, fileName); }		else		{ 		Console.WriteLine("Usage: InventoryImportExample <MofFileName> <site code>"); }		Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit"); 	Console.ReadLine(); }	public static void ImportInventoryReport(string siteCode, string fileName, 	 string inventoryReportID = HardwareInventoryReportID, 	 InventoryImportType importOption = InventoryImportType.BothClassAndReport)	{ 	if (File.Exists(fileName)==false)		{ 		throw new FileNotFoundException("MOF file not found", fileName); }		string mofToImport = File.ReadAllText(fileName); 	// Get the SMS_InventoryReport class.		try		{ 		string scope = string.Format(@"root\sms\site_{0}",siteCode); 		ManagementClass cls = new ManagementClass(scope, "SMS_InventoryReport", null); 		ManagementBaseObject inParams = cls.GetMethodParameters("ImportInventoryReport"); 		inParams["InventoryReportID"] = inventoryReportID; 		inParams["ImportType"] = (uint)importOption; 		inParams["MofBuffer"] = mofToImport; 		ManagementBaseObject retVal = cls.InvokeMethod("ImportInventoryReport", inParams, null); 		// Get current site code.			uint resultCode = (uint)retVal["StatusCode"]; 		if (resultCode == 0)			{ 			Console.WriteLine("ImportInventoryReport for file {0} succeed ", fileName); 	}			else			{ 			Console.WriteLine("ImportInventoryReport for file {0} failed with error code:{1} ", fileName,resultCode); 	}	}		catch (ManagementException e)		{ 		Console.WriteLine("Failed to execute method ImportInventoryReport for file {0}: {1}", fileName, e.ToString()); }}	public enum InventoryImportType	{ 	ClassOnly = 1, 	 ReportOnly = 2, 	 BothClassAndReport = 3}}
WMI MOF  Copy Code
An example MOF file.================================[ SMS_Report (TRUE),  SMS_Group_Name ("User Account"),  SMS_Class_ID ("MICROSOFT|USER_ACCOUNT|1.0"),  Namespace ("root\\\\cimv2") ]class Win32_UserAccount : SMS_Class_Template{ [ SMS_Report (TRUE), key ]	String	 Domain; [ SMS_Report (TRUE), key ]	String	 Name; [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]	UInt32	 AccountType; [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]	String	 Caption; [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]	String	 Description; [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]	Boolean	 Disabled; [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]	String	 FullName; [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]	DateTime	 InstallDate; [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]	Boolean	 LocalAccount; [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]	Boolean	 Lockout; [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]	Boolean	 PasswordChangeable; [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]	Boolean	 PasswordExpires; [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]	Boolean	 PasswordRequired; [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]	String	 SID; [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]	UInt8	 SIDType; [ SMS_Report (TRUE) ]	String	 Status;};

The example method has the following parameters:





  • Managed: String

The site code.


  • Managed: String

The name of the MOF file to import.


  • Managed: String

Inventory report identifier.


  • Managed: String

Import type. Possible values are:

  • 1 – Class Only

  • 2 – Report Only

  • 3 – Both Class and Report


  • Managed: String

The MOF content that contains the inventory class or report to import. This is the same format as the Configuration Manager 2007 sms_def.mof file, or the file format that you export from inventory client settings.

Compiling the Code

This C# example requires:



Robust Programming

For more information about error handling, see About Configuration Manager Errors.


For more information about securing Configuration Manager applications, see Securing Configuration Manager Applications.

See Also