The following sections provide technical details about site-to-site communications in System Center 2012 Configuration Manager.

Types of Replication in Configuration Manager

System Center 2012 Configuration Manager transfers data between sites by using database replication and file-based replication. Additionally, the data that is replicated is grouped into the following classifications:

  • Global data that replicates by using database replication.

  • Site data that replicates by using database replication.

  • File content that replicates by using file-based replication.

The following table identifies replication methods and data types in System Center 2012 Configuration Manager.

Replication Type Data Type Examples

Database replication

Global data

Collections, package metadata, and deployments

Database replication

Site data

Collection membership, hardware inventory, and alerts

File-based replication

File content

Software packages and software updates

Database Replication

File-Based Replication

See Also