Boundaries represent network locations on the intranet where Configuration Manager clients are located. Boundary groups are logical groups of boundaries that provide clients access to resources. In System Center 2012 Configuration Manager, each boundary and boundary group you configure is available throughout the hierarchy. You do not configure them for individual sites.

You configure a boundary for each intranet network location that you manage, and then add that boundary to one or more boundary groups.

You can configure a boundary group to identify the site that new clients should join, based upon the clients’ network location. You can also configure the boundary group with to identify which content servers are available for use by a client, based upon the clients’ network location.

Use the procedures in the following sections to help you configure boundaries and boundary groups

Create and Configure Boundaries for Configuration Manager

When you configure boundaries in System Center 2012 Configuration Manager, they automatically receive a name that is based upon the type and scope of the boundary. You cannot modify this name. Instead, when you configure the boundary specify a description to help identify the boundary in the Configuration Manager console.

After you create a boundary, you can modify its properties to do the following:

  • Add the boundary to one or more boundary groups.

  • Change the type or scope of the boundary.

  • View the boundaries Site Systems tab to see which content servers (distribution points and state migration points) are associated with the boundary.

In addition to using the Create Boundary command to create a new boundary, you can configure Active Directory Forest Discovery to create boundaries for each IP Subnet and Active Directory Site it discovers.

Use the following procedures to create and modify a boundary:

To create a boundary

To configure a boundary

Create and Configure Boundary Groups for Configuration Manager

When you configure boundary groups, you add one or more boundaries to the boundary group, and then configure optional settings for use by clients located on those boundaries. The configurations are for site assignment and content location for clients when they are on the intranet.

Clients that are on the Internet or configured as Internet-only clients do not use boundaries and boundary groups. These clients cannot use automatic site assignment when they are on the Internet and will download content from any distribution point in their assigned site that allows client connections from the Internet.

Configuration Details

Site assignment

Site assignment is used by clients that use automatic site assignment to find an appropriate site to join, based on the clients current network location. After a client assigns to a site, the client will not change that site assignment. For example, if the client roams to a new network location that is represented by a boundary in a boundary group with a different site assignment, the client’s assigned site will remain unchanged.

When Active Directory System Discovery discovers a new resource, network information for the discovered resource is evaluated against the boundaries in boundary groups. This process associates the new resource with an assigned site for use by the client push installation method.

Content location

Content location is used by clients to identify available distribution points or state migration points, based upon the client’s current network location

When you configure boundary groups for site assignment, ensure that each boundary in a boundary group is not a member of another boundary group with a different site assignment. Boundaries that are associated with more than one assigned site are called overlapping boundaries. Overlapping boundaries are not supported for site assignment. However, overlapping boundaries are supported for content location.

  • Overlapping boundaries for site assignment can prevent clients from joining the site you expect.

  • Overlapping boundaries for content location can provide clients access to content from multiple content sources.

To help avoid overlapping boundaries for site assignment, consider using of one set of boundary groups for site assignment, and a second set of boundary groups for content location.

To create a boundary group

To configure a boundary group

To associate a content deployment server with a boundary group

To configure a fallback site for automatic site assignment

See Also