Mobile device management views in Configuration Manager 2007 contain information about the mobile device configuration items and configuration packages. The mobile device management status views provide client deployment and client health state information, and the mobile device management hardware inventory views contain information about the mobile device.

The following sections provide detailed information about mobile device management views, mobile device management status views, and mobile device management hardware inventory views.

Mobile Device Management Views

The mobile device management views are described in the following table.

Mobile Device Management View Description


Lists the configuration items that have been created under the Mobile Device Management node in the Configuration Manager console, including the device setting item ID, device setting item unique ID, configuration item name, configuration item type, configuration item version, configuration item description, the date the configuration item was last modified, and the list of configuration item properties.

The view can be joined to the v_DeviceSettingPackageItems view by using the DeviceSettingItemUniqueID columns.

Configuration items in mobile device management are not related to configuration items used in desired configuration management or software updates.


Lists the mobile device management configuration packages, by PackageID, that have been created under the Mobile Device Management node in the Configuration Manager console and the device setting item unique ID that is contained in the package.

The view can be joined to the v_DeviceSettingItems view by using the DeviceSettingItemUniqueID column and other views by using the PackageID column.

Configuration items in mobile device management are not related to configuration items used in desired configuration management or software updates.

Mobile Device Management Status Views

The mobile device management status views contain information about the mobile device deployment and client health states. For more information about status views, see Status Views. The status views that contain mobile devices information are described in the following table.

Mobile Device Management View Description


Lists all Configuration Manager mobile device clients, by device client ID, NetBIOS name, and device ID, and the last device deployment state reported, as well as the assigned site code, device client version, and so on. The view is also listed and described in the Client Deployment Views topic.

The view can be joined to other views by using the DeviceClientID, DeviceNetBiosName, and DeviceDeploymentState columns. The DeviceDeploymentState column contains the state ID for topic type 800. The DeviceClientID column contains the same information as the SMS_Unique_Identifier0 column in the v_R_System view. The Configuration Manager states are listed in the v_StateNames view.


Lists all Configuration Manager mobile device clients, by device client ID, NetBIOS name, and device ID, and the health state of the device, as well as the assigned site code, owner name, and so on. The view is also listed and described in the Client Health Views topic.

The view can be joined to other views by using the DeviceClientID, DeviceNetBiosName, HealthType, and HealthState columns. The DeviceClientID column in this view contains the same information as the SMS_Unique_Identifier0 column in the v_R_System view. The HealthType column in this view contains the same information as the TopicType column in the v_StateNames view and the HealthState column in this view contains the same information as the StateID column in the v_StateNames status view. Client health state messages have a state type from 1000 to 1004. The Configuration Manager states are listed in the v_StateNames view.

Mobile Device Management Hardware Inventory Views

The mobile device management hardware inventory views contain information about mobile devices that is retrieved as part of hardware inventory. For more information about hardware inventory views, see Hardware Inventory Views. The hardware inventory views that contain mobile device information are described in the following table.

Mobile Device Management View Description


Lists information about the certificates on devices, including the expire date, subject name, and hash for enrolled and registered certificates.

The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column.


Lists information about the certificates on devices, including the revision ID, issuer, where it is located in the certificate store, the subject, the dates the certificate is valid, and so on.

The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column.


Lists information about the Configuration Manager devices, including the device ID, number of processors, platform type, processor type, and so on.

The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column.


Lists information about the displays found on Configuration Manager devices.

The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column.


Lists information about the file system found on Configuration Manager devices.

The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column.


Lists information about the memory found on Configuration Manager devices.

The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column.


Lists information about the network used by Configuration Manager devices, such as bandwidth, IP address, IP subnet, MAC address, and so on.

The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column.


Lists information about the operating system found on Configuration Manager devices.

The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column.


Lists owner information found on Configuration Manager devices, including e-mail address, name, notes, telephone, and so on.

The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column.


Lists phone information for Configuration Manager devices that have phone functionality.

The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column.


Lists information about power settings and the battery on Configuration Manager devices.

The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column.


Lists information about the users on Configuration Manager devices, including user locale and user name.

The view can be joined with other views by using the ResourceID column.

See Also