The Configuration Manager 2007 site views contain information such as site code, Configuration Manager version, the location of the SMS provider, site server name, site system names, site boundary information, and so forth. There are also status views that contain information about sites, site systems, and components. The site and site status views will most often be joined to other views by using the SiteCode or ServerName columns.

The following sections provide detailed information about site views and site status views.

Site Views

The site views contain information about the Configuration Manager site and are described in the following table.

Site View                       Description


Lists the boundaries for all sites in the Configuration Manager hierarchy, the site code, and whether the boundary is in a fast or slow network. Fast networks have a BoundaryType value of 1.

This view can be joined to other views by using the SiteCode column.


Lists information about each site in the SMS hierarchy, including site code, site name, SMS version, SMS build number, service account name, where the SMS provider is located, site server name, and language.

The view can be joined to other views by using the ThisSiteCode column.


Lists the matching English view column names to a string resource in a resource DLL that contains the localized version of the name.

It is unlikely that this view will be joined to other views.


Lists the matching English name to the localized name.

It is unlikely that this view will be joined to other views.


Lists the matching English view setting type with the localized name for the setting type.

It is unlikely that this view will be joined to other views.


Lists the components for each site, such as SMS_EXECUTIVE, SMS_SITE_CONTROL_MANAGER, and so on. The site code, server name, and Configuration Manager components are listed.

The view can be joined to other views by using the SiteCode, MachineName, or ComponentName columns.


Lists information about each site in the Configuration Manager hierarchy, including site code, site name, reporting site code, site version, site server name, installation directory, and so on.

The view can be joined to other views by using the SiteCode or ServerName columns.


Lists all site boundaries with the Active Directory site type for all sites in the Configuration Manager hierarchy.

The view can be joined to other views by using the SiteCode column.


Lists all site boundaries with the IP address range type for all sites in the Configuration Manager hierarchy.

The view can be joined to other views by using the SiteCode column.


Lists all site boundaries with the IP subnet type for all sites in the Configuration Manager hierarchy.

The view can be joined to other views by using the SiteCode column.


Lists all site boundaries with the IPv6 prefix type for all sites in the Configuration Manager hierarchy.

The view can be joined to other views by using the SiteCode column.


Lists all software inventory names that are to be converted to a standard name. For example, software that is inventoried with the manufacturer name of Microsoft or Microsoft Corp. is converted to a display name of Microsoft Corporation.

It is unlikely that this view will be joined to other views.


Lists the supported operating systems, including operating system platform, minimum and maximum version, and operating system name.

It is unlikely that this view will be joined to other views.


Lists all site system locations for each site in the Configuration Manager hierarchy. The NAL path, resource type, site code, site system role name, and site system computer name are listed.

The view can be joined to other views by using the SiteCode, ServerName, or NALPath columns.

Site Status Views

The site status views contain status and status summary information about Configuration Manager components, site servers, site systems, and so on. For more information about the status views, see Status Views. The status views that contain site information are described in the following table.

Site View                       Description


Lists summary status information for all Configuration Manager components for different intervals. The view also provides the site code, server name, component name, the count of information, warning, and error messages, and so on. The information in this view contains the same information that is displayed in the Component Status node of the Configuration Manager console, but the view contains information for all display intervals. The value in the Status column provides the current status for the component. A value of 0 indicates that the component is OK, a value of 1 indicates a warning state for the component, and a value of 2 indicates a critical state for the component.

The view can be joined to other views by using the SiteCode, MachineName, and ComponentName columns.


Lists the site system servers, the associated site code, when the last heartbeat occurred, and how long the heartbeat took to process.

The view can be joined to other views by using the ServerName column.


Lists status summary information for all Configuration Manager sites, by SiteCode, for different intervals. The view also provides the site name, site version, interval, the count of information, warning, and error messages, and so on. The information in this view contains the same information that is displayed in the Site Status node of the Configuration Manager console, but the view contains information for all display intervals.

The view can be joined to other views by using the SiteCode column. The value in the Status column provides the current status for the site. A value of 0 indicates that the site is OK, a value of 1 indicates a warning state for the site, and a value of 2 indicates a critical state for the site.


Lists status summary information for all Configuration Manager sites systems for different intervals. The view also provides the object location, the site role for the site system, total disk space, free disk space, and percentage of free disk space for the site system, the time of the last status reported, and whether the site system is available. The information in this view contains the same information that is displayed in the Site System Status node of the Configuration Manager console.

The view can be joined to other views by using the SiteCode column.


Lists the site summary status, which is the same status displayed for the <site code> - <site name> node of the Configuration Manager console.

The view can be joined to other views by using the SiteCode column.

See Also