The CoreRMO and BlockModelRMO namespaces implement Resource Manager functionality in Microsoft Provisioning Framework (MPF). The CoreRMO namespace implements the core Resource Manager functions, which include all resource management functions except those based on fixed-block allocations, which the BlockModelRMO namespace implements.

The CoreRMO namespace implements the following procedures:

Procedure Description
Add Candidates To Candidates Copies all members of a source candidate set to a target candidate set and optionally assigns a rank to the copied candidates. Does not overwrite instances or groups that already exist in the target set.
Add Consumer Group Adds a consumer group to the Resource Manager database. Optionally adds the group to a candidate set and assigns each consumer group a rank.
Add Consumer Group To Candidates Adds a consumer group to a candidate set and optionally assigns a rank to all candidates in the set.
Add Consumer Instance Adds a new consumer instance to the Resource Manager database. Optionally adds the instance to a candidate set and assigns a rank.
Add Consumer To Candidates Adds a consumer instance to a candidate set and optionally assigns a rank to the instance.
Add Consumer Type Adds a new consumer type definition to the Resource Manager database.
Add Resource Group Adds a new resource group to the Resource Manager database. Optionally adds the new group to a candidate set and assigns each resource instance a rank.
Add Resource Group To Candidates Adds a resource group to a candidate set and optionally assigns a rank to the group.
Add Resource Instance Adds a new resource instance to the Resource Manager database. Optionally adds the instance to a candidate set and assigns a rank to it.
Add Resource To Candidates Adds a specific resource instance to a candidate set and optionally assigns a rank to the resource instance.
Add Resource Type Adds a new resource type definition to the Resource Manager database.
Construct Mapping Creates mapping relationships between two sets of instances or groups and returns the number of new mappings created by the operation.
Delete Consumer Group Removes one or more consumer groups from the Resource Manager database.
Delete Consumer Instance Removes one or more consumer instances from the Resource Manager database.
Delete Consumer Type Removes a consumer type from the Resource Manager database.
Delete Mapping Removes mapping relationships between two sets of instances or groups and returns the number of mappings deleted by the operation.
Delete Resource Group Removes a set of resource groups from the Resource Manager database.
Delete Resource Instance Removes a set of resource instances from the Resource Manager database.
Delete Resource Type Removes a resource type from the Resource Manager database.
Discard Candidates By Mapping Finds candidates (resource instances, resource groups, consumer instances, and consumer groups) based on their relationship with other instances or groups, and removes them from the specified candidate set.
Find Candidates By Mapping Finds candidates (resource instances, resource groups, consumer instances, and consumer groups) based on their relationship with other instances or groups, and adds them to the specified candidate set.
Find Consumers Finds consumers that match the value(s) provided and adds them to the specified candidate set.
Find Resources Finds resources that match the value(s) provided and adds them to the specified candidate set.
Flush Candidates Finds resources that match the value(s) provided and adds them to the specified candidate set.
Keep Candidates By Mapping Identifies candidates (resource instances, resource groups, consumer instances, and consumer groups) that should remain in a specified candidate set based on their relationship with other instances or groups.
Keep Top Candidates Removes all but the top n ranked candidates from a candidate set.
List Candidates Returns a list of the candidates in the specified candidate set that match the specified category.
List Consumer Models Returns a list of currently registered consumer models from the Resource Manager database.
List Consumer Types Returns a list of all the consumer types registered with the Resource Manager database.
List Resource Models Returns a list of currently registered resource models from the Resource Manager database.
List Resource Types Returns a list of all resource types registered with the Resource Manager database.
Query Consumer Type Queries the Resource Manager for the specified consumer type and returns its consumer model name and consumer type description.
Query Resource Type Queries the Resource Manager for the specified resource type and returns its resource model name and resource type description.
Raise Notifications As Events Collects current notifications from the Resource Manager and sends them to the event log of the process controller that executes the provisioning request. Once notifications are raised, this function deletes them from the Resource Manager database notification table.
Random Rank Candidates Applies a random ranking to all candidates in the candidate set that have not already been ranked.
Retrieve Notifications Returns a list of the current notifications in the Resource Manager notification table and then deletes them from the table.
Update Consumer Group Updates the group name and group description attributes for each consumer group in a candidate set.
Update Consumer Instance Updates the instance name and description and the consumer type name for each consumer instance in a candidate set.
Update Consumer Type Updates the name, model, or description for a consumer type.
Update Resource Group Updates the group name and description attributes for the resource group in the candidate set.
Update Resource Instance Updates one or more of the following values for each resource instance in the candidate set:
  • Instance name
  • Instance description
  • Instance location
  • Instance "online" status
  • Instance "provisionable" status
  • Resource type name
Update Resource Type Updates the name, model, or description for a resource type.



The Microsoft Provisioning Framework Software Development Kit (SDK) contains additional resources to help you implement the CoreRMO namespace. For more information on the SDK and how to use it, see Microsoft Provisioning Framework SDK.