Microsoft Provisioning Framework components

Microsoft Provisioning Framework (MPF) provides the underlying framework for extensible provisioning services. It supports the development and management of a range of commercial services hosted on Microsoft Windows® operating systems. Using MPF, you can automate common tasks for commercial services, such as adding and deleting subscribers, changing user security settings, and simultaneously updating multiple data stores.

Provisioning Manager

The Provisioning Manager component of MPF is a Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in that provides the user interface (UI) for managing other MPF components. You can use this UI to manage components centrally, whether individual components are installed on a single computer or distributed across multiple computers.

You can use Provisioning Manager to manage the following:

Using Provisioning Manager, you can specify the properties and other options that control the behavior of provisioning components, including provisioning servers, namespaces and procedures, and credentials.

Additional components

In addition to the components that you can manage with Provisioning Manager, MPF includes components that support additional provisioning functionality. These components include Resource Manager, which you can use to allocate provisioning resources, and tools for managing MPF from the command line.

For more information about Resource Manager, see Managing resources. For more information about command-line tools, see Managing Microsoft Provisioning Framework from the command line.