Public Properties (see also Protected Properties)

  Name Description
public property AccessibilityObject  (inherited from Control)
public property AccessibleDefaultActionDescription  (inherited from Control)
public property AccessibleDescription  (inherited from Control)
public property AccessibleName  (inherited from Control)
public property AccessibleRole  (inherited from Control)
public property ActiveControl  (inherited from ContainerControl)
public property AllowDrop  (inherited from Control)
public property Anchor  (inherited from Control)
public property AuthoringContext Gets the authoring context for the UI page.
public property AutoScaleDimensions  (inherited from ContainerControl)
public property AutoScaleMode  (inherited from ContainerControl)
public property AutoScroll  (inherited from ScrollableControl)
public property AutoScrollMargin  (inherited from ScrollableControl)
public property AutoScrollMinSize  (inherited from ScrollableControl)
public property AutoScrollOffset  (inherited from Control)
public property AutoScrollPosition  (inherited from ScrollableControl)
public property AutoSize  (inherited from UserControl)
public property AutoSizeMode  (inherited from UserControl)
public property AutoValidate  (inherited from UserControl)
public property BackColor  (inherited from Control)
public property BackgroundImage  (inherited from Control)
public property BackgroundImageLayout  (inherited from Control)
public property BindingContext  (inherited from ContainerControl)
public property BorderStyle  (inherited from UserControl)
public property Bottom  (inherited from Control)
public property Bounds  (inherited from Control)
public property CanFocus  (inherited from Control)
public property CanSelect  (inherited from Control)
public property Capture  (inherited from Control)
public property CausesValidation  (inherited from Control)
public propertystatic CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls  (inherited from Control)
public property ClientRectangle  (inherited from Control)
public property ClientSize  (inherited from Control)
public property CompanyName  (inherited from Control)
public property ConditionDetectionModuleContext Gets the condition detection module context for the UI page. This property is used when the page is used to configure a condition detection module.
public property Container  (inherited from Component)
public property ContainsFocus  (inherited from Control)
public property Context Gets or sets the user interface (UI) page context.
public property ContextMenu  (inherited from Control)
public property ContextMenuStrip  (inherited from Control)
public property Controls  (inherited from Control)
public property Created  (inherited from Control)
public property CurrentAutoScaleDimensions  (inherited from ContainerControl)
public property Cursor  (inherited from Control)
public property DataBindings  (inherited from Control)
public property DataSourceModuleContext Gets the data source module context for the UI page. This property is used when the page is used to configure a data source module.
public propertystatic DefaultBackColor  (inherited from Control)
public propertystatic DefaultFont  (inherited from Control)
public propertystatic DefaultForeColor  (inherited from Control)
public property DiagnosticContext Gets the diagnostic context for the UI page. This property is used when the page is used to configure a diagnostic object.
public property Dirty Gets or sets a Boolean value that determines whether the user interface (UI) page has changed. This value is only used when the page is hosted in a property sheet.
public property DiscoveryContext Gets the discovery context for the UI page. This property is used when the page is used to configure a discovery object.
public property DisplayRectangle  (inherited from ScrollableControl)
public property Disposing  (inherited from Control)
public property Dock  (inherited from Control)
public property DockPadding  (inherited from ScrollableControl)
public property Enabled  (inherited from Control)
public property Focused  (inherited from Control)
public property Font  (inherited from Control)
public property ForeColor  (inherited from Control)
public property Handle  (inherited from Control)
public property HasChildren  (inherited from Control)
public property HeaderText Gets or sets the header text for the user interface (UI) page.
public property Height  (inherited from Control)
public property HelpKey Gets or sets help key associated with this UI page.
public property HorizontalScroll  (inherited from ScrollableControl)
public property Host Gets the host framework where the user interface (UI) page is hosted.
public property HostPage Gets the page that hosts (contains) this UI page.
public property ImeMode  (inherited from Control)
public property InputConfigurationXml Gets or sets the XML configuration data that the user interface (UI) page should load from.
public property InvokeRequired  (inherited from Control)
public property IsAccessible  (inherited from Control)
public property IsConfigValid Gets or sets a Boolean value that determines whether the user interface (UI) page configuration is currently valid.
public property IsDisposed  (inherited from Control)
public property IsHandleCreated  (inherited from Control)
public property IsMirrored  (inherited from Control)
public property LayoutEngine  (inherited from Control)
public property Left  (inherited from Control)
public property Location  (inherited from Control)
public property Margin  (inherited from Control)
public property MaximumSize  (inherited from Control)
public property MinimumSize  (inherited from Control)
public propertystatic ModifierKeys  (inherited from Control)
public property ModuleContext Gets the module context for the UI page. This property is used when the page is used to configure a module.
public property MonitorContext Gets the monitor context for the UI page. This property is used when the page is used to configure a monitor object.
public propertystatic MouseButtons  (inherited from Control)
public propertystatic MousePosition  (inherited from Control)
public property Name  (inherited from Control)
public property NavigationText Gets or sets the navigation text for the user interface (UI) page. By default, the title provided in the Management Pack is used for this text.
public property OutputConfigurationXml Gets or sets the XML configuration data that user interface (UI) page outputs.
public property Padding  (inherited from Control)
public property PageParamsXml Gets the settings (parameters) passed to this UI page.
public property PageReference Gets or sets the user interface (UI) page reference for this page.
public property Parent  (inherited from Control)
public property ParentForm  (inherited from ContainerControl)
public property ParentPageSet Gets or sets the user interface (UI) page set that this UI page is a part of.
public property PreferredSize  (inherited from Control)
public property ProbeActionModuleContext Gets the probe action module context for this UI page. This property is used when the page is used to configure a probe action module.
public property ProductName  (inherited from Control)
public property ProductVersion  (inherited from Control)
public property ReadOnly Gets or sets a Boolean value that determines whether this user interface (UI) page is read-only.
public property RecoveryContext Gets the recovery context for this UI page. This property is used when the page is used to configure a recovery object.
public property RecreatingHandle  (inherited from Control)
public property Region  (inherited from Control)
public property Right  (inherited from Control)
public property RightToLeft  (inherited from Control)
public property RuleContext Gets the rule context for this UI page. This property is used when the page is used to configure a rule object.
public property SharedUserData Gets or sets the object that is used to share data between user interface (UI) pages.
public property Site  (inherited from Control)
public property Size  (inherited from Control)
public property TabIndex  (inherited from Control)
public property TabName Gets or sets the name of the tab name for the user interface (UI) page. By default, the tab name is the name of the Management Pack.
public property TabStop  (inherited from Control)
public property Tag  (inherited from Control)
public property TaskContext Gets the task context for this UI page. This property is used when the page is used to configure a task object.
public property TemplateContext Gets the template context for this UI page. This property is used when the page is used to configure a template object.
public property Text  (inherited from UserControl)
public property Top  (inherited from Control)
public property TopLevelControl  (inherited from Control)
public property UnitMonitorContext Gets the unit monitor context for this UI page. This property is used when the page is used to configure a unit monitor object.
public property UseWaitCursor  (inherited from Control)
public property VerticalScroll  (inherited from ScrollableControl)
public property Visible  (inherited from Control)
public property Width  (inherited from Control)
public property WindowTarget  (inherited from Control)
public property WriteActionModuleContext Gets the action module context for this UI page. This property is used when the page is used to configure an action module object.

Protected Properties

  Name Description
protected property AutoScaleFactor  (inherited from ContainerControl)
protected property CanRaiseEvents  (inherited from Control)
protected property CreateParams  (inherited from UserControl)
protected property DefaultCursor  (inherited from Control)
protected property DefaultImeMode  (inherited from Control)
protected property DefaultMargin  (inherited from Control)
protected property DefaultMaximumSize  (inherited from Control)
protected property DefaultMinimumSize  (inherited from Control)
protected property DefaultPadding  (inherited from Control)
protected property DefaultSize  (inherited from UserControl)
protected property DesignMode  (inherited from Component)
protected property DestinationManagementPack Gets the destination Management Pack that contains the UI page context.
protected property DoubleBuffered  (inherited from Control)
protected property Events  (inherited from Component)
protected property FontHeight  (inherited from Control)
protected property HScroll  (inherited from ScrollableControl)
protected property IsCreationMode Gets a Boolean value that determines whether the UI page is used for creation mode or upgrade mode.
protected property ManagementGroup Gets the Management Group that contains the UI page.
protected property RenderRightToLeft  Obsolete. (inherited from Control)
protected property ResizeRedraw  (inherited from Control)
protected property ScaleChildren  (inherited from Control)
protected property ShowFocusCues  (inherited from Control)
protected property ShowKeyboardCues  (inherited from Control)
protected property TargetedType Gets the targeted type if the context is targeted to a type. This property can be null and can change at any time.
protected property VScroll  (inherited from ScrollableControl)

See Also

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