Public Properties

  Name Description
public property Description Gets and sets a description of the user role.
public property DisplayName Gets or sets the display name of the user role. The display name is used in the user interface.
public property Id Gets or sets a globally unique identifier (GUID) for the user role.
public property IsScopeFixed Gets or sets a Boolean value that determines whether the scope cannot be changed.
public property IsSystem Gets or sets a Boolean value that determines whether the user role is the system user role
public property LastModified Gets the time when the user role was last modified.
public property LastModifiedBy Gets the name of the user that last modified the user role.
public property ManagementGroup  Gets the Management Group that the object is in. (inherited from MonitoringBase)
public property ManagementGroupId  Gets the globally unique identifier (GUID) for the Management Group that the object is in. (inherited from MonitoringBase)
public property MonitoringProfile Gets or sets the MonitoringProfile object that is assigned to the user role.
public property MonitoringProfileDisplayName Gets the display name of the monitoring profile that is assigned to the user role.
public property Name Gets or sets the name of the user role.
public propertystatic OperationsManagerAdministratorsUserRoleId Gets the globally unique identifier (GUID) for the OperationsManagerAdministrators user role.
public propertystatic OperationsManagerAdvancedOperatorsUserRoleId Gets the globally unique identifier (GUID) for the OperationsManagerAdvancedOperators user role.
public propertystatic OperationsManagerAuthorsUserRoleId Gets the globally unique identifier (GUID) for the OperationsManagerAuthors user role.
public propertystatic OperationsManagerOperatorsUserRoleId Gets the globally unique identifier (GUID) for the OperationsManagerOperators user role.
public propertystatic OperationsManagerReadOnlyOperatorsUserRoleId Gets the globally unique identifier (GUID) for the OperationsManagerReadOnlyOperators user role.
public propertystatic OperationsManagerReportOperatorsUserRoleId Gets the globally unique identifier (GUID) for the OperationsManagerReportOperators user role.
public propertystatic OperationsManagerReportSecurityAdministratorsUserRoleId Gets the globally unique identifier (GUID) for the OperationsManagerReportSecurityAdministrators user role.
public property Scope Gets or sets the scope of the user role.
public property Users Gets or sets a collection of users assigned to the user role.

See Also

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