Public Properties

  Name Description
public property Category  Gets the category of the alert. (inherited from MonitoringAlert)
public property ConnectorId  Gets or sets the globally unique identifier (GUID) for the connector corresponding to the monitoring alert. (inherited from MonitoringAlert)
public property ConnectorStatus  Gets the status of this alert relative to the connector. (inherited from MonitoringAlert)
public property Context  Gets the context of the alert. (inherited from MonitoringAlert)
public property CustomField1  Gets or sets the value of the custom field 1 for the alert. (inherited from MonitoringAlert)
public property CustomField10  Gets or sets the value of the custom field 10 for the alert. (inherited from MonitoringAlert)
public property CustomField2  Gets or sets the value of the custom field 2 for the alert. (inherited from MonitoringAlert)
public property CustomField3  Gets or sets the value of the custom field 3 for the alert. (inherited from MonitoringAlert)
public property CustomField4  Gets or sets the value of the custom field 4 for the alert. (inherited from MonitoringAlert)
public property CustomField5  Gets or sets the value of the custom field 5 for the alert. (inherited from MonitoringAlert)
public property CustomField6  Gets or sets the value of the custom field 6 for the alert. (inherited from MonitoringAlert)
public property CustomField7  Gets or sets the value of the custom field 7 for the alert. (inherited from MonitoringAlert)
public property CustomField8  Gets or sets the value of the custom field 8 for the alert. (inherited from MonitoringAlert)
public property CustomField9  Gets or sets the value of the custom field 9 for the alert. (inherited from MonitoringAlert)
public property Description  Gets the description of the alert. (inherited from MonitoringAlert)
public property Id  Gets the globally unique identifier (GUID) for the alert. (inherited from MonitoringAlert)
public property IsMonitorAlert  Gets a Boolean value that determines whether the alert was generated by a monitor. (inherited from MonitoringAlert)
public property LastModified  Gets the last time, in DateTime format, that the alert was modified. (inherited from MonitoringAlert)
public property LastModifiedBy  Gets the name of the user that last modified the alert. (inherited from MonitoringAlert)
public property LastModifiedByNonConnector  Gets the last time, in DateTime format, the alert was modified by something other than a connector. (inherited from MonitoringAlert)
public property MaintenanceModeLastModified  Gets the time, in DateTime format, that the maintenance mode of this alert was last modified. (inherited from MonitoringAlert)
public property ManagementGroup  Gets the Management Group that the object is in. (inherited from MonitoringBase)
public property ManagementGroupId Gets the identifier for the Management Group that the alert came from.
public property ManagementGroupName Gets the name of the Management Group that the alert came from.
public property MonitoringClassId  Gets the globally unique identifier (GUID) of the non-abstract monitoring class of the associated monitoring object. (inherited from MonitoringAlert)
public property MonitoringObjectDisplayName  Gets the display name of the monitoring object that is associated with the alert. (inherited from MonitoringAlert)
public property MonitoringObjectFullName  Gets the full name of the monitoring object that is associated with the alert. (inherited from MonitoringAlert)
public property MonitoringObjectHealthState  Gets the health state of the monitoring object associated with this alert. (inherited from MonitoringAlert)
public property MonitoringObjectId  Gets the globally unique identifier (GUID) for the monitoring object that is associated with this alert. (inherited from MonitoringAlert)
public property MonitoringObjectInMaintenanceMode  Gets a value indicating whether the monitoring object associated with the alert is in maintenance mode. (inherited from MonitoringAlert)
public property MonitoringObjectName  Gets the name of the monitoring object that is associated with this alert. (inherited from MonitoringAlert)
public property MonitoringObjectPath  Gets the path to the monitoring object that is associated with this alert. (inherited from MonitoringAlert)
public property MonitoringRuleId  Gets the globally unique identifier (GUID) for the rule associated with the alert. (inherited from MonitoringAlert)
public property Name  Gets the name of the alert. (inherited from MonitoringAlert)
public property NetbiosComputerName  Gets the name of the computer that raised this alert. (inherited from MonitoringAlert)
public property NetbiosDomainName  Gets the domain of the computer that raised this alert. (inherited from MonitoringAlert)
public property Owner  Gets or sets the owner of the alert. (inherited from MonitoringAlert)
public property Parameters  Gets a collection of parameters for the alert. (inherited from MonitoringAlert)
public property PrincipalName  Gets the principal name of the computer that this alert was created for. (inherited from MonitoringAlert)
public property Priority  Gets the priority of the alert. (inherited from MonitoringAlert)
public property ProblemId  Gets the globally unique identifier (GUID) of the associated monitor if the IsMonitorAlert property is true, otherwise, gets or sets the GUID for the problem. (inherited from MonitoringAlert)
public property RepeatCount  Gets the repeat count of this alert. (inherited from MonitoringAlert)
public property ResolutionState  Gets the resolution state of the alert. (inherited from MonitoringAlert)
public property ResolvedBy  Gets the user who resolved this alert. (inherited from MonitoringAlert)
public property Severity  Gets the severity of the alert. (inherited from MonitoringAlert)
public property SiteName  Gets the site name of the alert. (inherited from MonitoringAlert)
public property StateLastModified  Gets the time, in DateTime format, that the state of this alert was last modified. (inherited from MonitoringAlert)
public property TicketId  Gets or sets a string identifier for the ticket of the alert. (inherited from MonitoringAlert)
public property TimeAdded  Gets the time, in DateTime format, the alert was added to the system. (inherited from MonitoringAlert)
public property TimeRaised  Gets the time, in DateTime format, the alert was raised. (inherited from MonitoringAlert)
public property TimeResolutionStateLastModified  Gets the last time, in DateTime format, the resolution state of the alert was modified. (inherited from MonitoringAlert)
public property TimeResolved  Gets the time, in DateTime format, the alert was resolved. (inherited from MonitoringAlert)

See Also

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