Public Properties (see also Protected Properties)

  Name Description
public property Accessibility  Gets or sets the accessibility of the Management Pack item. (inherited from ManagementPackAccessibleElement)
public property Comment  Gets the optional comment associated with this Management Pack element. (inherited from ManagementPackElement)
public property ConditionDetectionCollection  Gets a condition detection module that will be used in the monitor workflow. (inherited from ManagementPackUnitMonitorType)
public property Configuration  Gets or sets the configuration required for the monitor type. (inherited from ManagementPackUnitMonitorType)
public property DataSourceCollection  Gets a data source module that is used in the monitor workflow. (inherited from ManagementPackUnitMonitorType)
public property Description  Gets or sets the description of the Management Pack element. (inherited from ManagementPackElement)
public property DisplayName  Gets or sets the display name of the Management Pack element. (inherited from ManagementPackElement)
public property HasMonitoringPageSet Gets a Boolean value that determines whether the template has a monitoring page set.
public property Id  Gets the GUID identifier of the Management Pack element. (inherited from ManagementPackElement)
public property LanguageCode  Gets or sets the default three-letter language code for this Management Pack element, which is used to specify the language for the description and display name of the element. (inherited from ManagementPackElement)
public property LastModified  Gets the time (UTC time) when the item was last modified. (inherited from ManagementPackItem)
public property ManagementGroup Gets the Management Group that the object was instantiated in.
public property ManagementGroupId Gets the identifier of the Management Group that the object was instantiated in.
public property MonitorTypeStateCollection  Gets the states that monitors of this type can be in. This state is mutually exclusive of other states for the same monitor at any point in time. (inherited from ManagementPackUnitMonitorType)
public property Name  Gets the name of this Management Pack element. (inherited from ManagementPackElement)
public property OnDemandDetectionCollection  Gets a list of monitor type detection objects that are used to detect the current state of a monitor of this type. (inherited from ManagementPackUnitMonitorType)
public property OverrideableParameterCollection  Gets a collection of parameters that can be overridden by the Operations Manager user for monitors of this type. (inherited from ManagementPackUnitMonitorType)
public property ProbeActionCollection  Gets a probe action module that is used in the monitor workflow. (inherited from ManagementPackUnitMonitorType)
public property RegularDetectionCollection  Gets a list of workflows that are used to detect each state of a monitor of this type. (inherited from ManagementPackUnitMonitorType)
public property RunAs  Gets or sets a reference to a secure reference identifier that is defined in this Management Pack or a referenced Management Pack. Modules used in the monitor workflow will run under the credentials that are assigned to the secure reference. (inherited from ManagementPackUnitMonitorType)
public property Status  Gets the current status of the item. (inherited from ManagementPackItem)
public property TimeAdded  Gets the time (UTC time) when the item was created. (inherited from ManagementPackItem)
public property XmlTag  Gets the XML element tag that is defined by this type. (inherited from ManagementPackUnitMonitorType)

Protected Properties

  Name Description
protected property memberstatus  Gets or sets the status of this item. (inherited from ManagementPackItem)

See Also

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