Contains the classes that are used to obtain monitoring information about tasks, performance data, alerts, and other data objects in a management group.


Class Description
CustomMonitoringEvent Represents a custom monitoring event that can be inserted into the Operations Manager system.
CustomMonitoringEventMessage Represents a custom monitoring event message that is used in CustomMonitoringEvent objects.
CustomMonitoringObject Represents a custom monitoring object that can be inserted into the Operations Manager system.
CustomMonitoringObjectGroup Represents a group of CustomMonitoringObject objects.
CustomMonitoringPerformanceData Represents a custom object for monitoring performance data.
CustomMonitoringRelationshipObject Represents a custom monitoring relationship between source and target monitoring classes. The custom monitoring relationship can be inserted into the Operations Manager system.
DiscoverySource The abstract base class for a discovery source.
ExternalRollupMonitoringState Defines a monitoring state object that represents an external rollup monitor.
FavoriteConsoleTask Represents a favorite task.
FavoriteMonitoringReport Represents a favorite monitoring report.
FavoriteMonitoringView Represents a favorite view.
FavoriteTask Represents a favorite task.
GroomingNotificationEventArgs Contains event arguments for grooming notifications.
GroomingStatusInfo Contains grooming information for a single grooming object.
MaintenanceWindow Represents a maintenance mode window that contains information about entering maintenance mode.
MonitoringAlert Represents an Operations Manager monitoring alert. In Operations Manager, an alert is an item that indicates that a predefined situation has occurred on a monitored object. Alerts are defined by rules.
MonitoringAlertCriteria Specifies the criteria for the GetMonitoringAlertReader method and the GetMonitoringAlerts method, limiting the returned objects to those that meet the criteria.
MonitoringAlertHistory Contains information about the history of a monitoring alert.
MonitoringAlertReader Used as a reader for retrieving an alert.
MonitoringAlertResolutionState Represents an alert resolution state.
MonitoringAlertUpdateFailure Contains the exception that occurred when a monitoring alert failed to update.
MonitoringDataReader Defines an abstract base class for classes that are used as a reader to retrieve monitoring data. This class is implemented by the MonitoringAlertReader, MonitoringEventReader, MonitoringPerformanceDataReader, and MonitoringPerformanceDataValueReader classes.
MonitoringDiagnosticResult Represents a diagnostic result.
MonitoringDiagnosticResultCriteria Used to specify the criteria for the GetMonitoringDiagnosticResults method, limiting the returned objects to those that meet the criteria.
MonitoringEvent Represents a monitoring event.
MonitoringEventCriteria Used to specify the criteria for the GetMonitoringEvents method and the GetMonitoringEventReader method, limiting the returned objects to those that meet the criteria.
MonitoringEventReader Enables you to read monitoring events.
MonitoringObject Represents a monitoring object and provides access to its properties, state, as well as related monitoring objects.
MonitoringObjectCriteria Specifies the criteria for the GetMonitoringObjects method and the GetRelatedMonitoringObjects method, limiting the returned objects to those that meet the criteria.
MonitoringObjectDiscoverySource Represents a discovery source for relationship objects.
MonitoringObjectGenericCriteria Specifies the criteria for the GetMonitoringObjects, GetPartialMonitoringObjects, GetRelatedMonitoringObjects and GetRelatedPartialMonitoringObjects methods, limiting the returned objects to those that meet the criteria.
MonitoringObjectGroup Represents a group of monitoring objects.
MonitoringObjectMembershipChangedEventArgs Represents event arguments for events about changing objects related to a monitoring object.
MonitoringPerformanceData Contains monitoring performance data.
MonitoringPerformanceDataCriteria Specifies the criteria for the GetMonitoringPerformanceData method and the GetMonitoringPerformanceDataReader method, limiting the returned objects to those that meet the criteria.
MonitoringPerformanceDataReader Retrieves performance data.
MonitoringPerformanceDataValue Contains performance data and information about when the performance data was retrieved.
MonitoringPerformanceDataValueReader Used to read monitoring performance data values.
MonitoringPerformanceSignature Represents a performance signature.
MonitoringPerformanceSignatureValue Represents a performance signature value.
MonitoringRecoveryResult Represents a recovery result.
MonitoringRecoveryResultCriteria Specifies the criteria for the GetMonitoringRecoveryResults method, limiting the returned objects to those that meet the criteria.
MonitoringRelationshipObject Represents a monitoring relationship.
MonitoringRelationshipObjectDiscoverySource Represents a discovery source for relationship objects.
MonitoringRelationshipObjectGenericCriteria Specifies the criteria for the GetMonitoringRelationshipObjects, GetMonitoringRelationshipObjectsBySourceMonitoringClass, GetMonitoringRelationshipObjectsByTargetMonitoringClass, and GetMonitoringRelationshipObjectsWhereSource methods, limiting the returned objects to those that meet the criteria.
MonitoringState Defines the state of a monitoring object.
MonitoringStateChangeEvent Represents a monitoring state change event.
MonitoringTaskResult Contains the results of running a monitoring task.
MonitoringTaskResultCriteria Specifies the criteria for the GetMonitoringTaskResults method, limiting the returned objects to those that meet the criteria.
MonitoringViewSetting Defines a generic setting that is stored with a view.
OperationalDataObject Represents an operational data object.
PartialMonitoringObject Represents a monitoring object that is a partial instance of a monitoring class.
PartialMonitoringObjectBase Represents a partial instance of a monitoring class that can be instantiated from a monitoring object identifier. This class has limited functionality when compared to its derived classes (PartialMonitoringObject and MonitoringObject), but it offers improved query performance when querying for a large number of objects from the Operations Manager database.
PartialMonitoringObjectGroup Represents a group of partial monitoring objects.
SavedSearch Represents a saved search.
UserSettings Defines methods that are used to access user settings and operations.


Delegate Description
MonitoringDiagnosticStatusChangeCallback The delegate for handling diagnostic status change notifications.
MonitoringRecoveryStatusChangeCallback The delegate for handling recovery status change notifications.
MonitoringTaskStatusChangeCallback The delegate for handling task status change notifications (per batch).


Enumeration Description
DiscoverySourceType Defines the various types of possible discovery sources.
MaintenanceModeReason Defines the various reasons for entering maintenance mode.
MonitoringAlertConnectorStatus Defines the state of a monitoring alert with regard to the alert's connector.
OperationalDataObjectType Defines the object types that grooming information is provided for.
SystemMonitoringAlertResolutionState Defines monitoring alert resolution states.
TaskStatus Defines task status values.

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