Public Methods (see also Protected Methods)

  Name Description
public method Equals  Overloaded. (inherited from ManagementPackElement)
public method FindHostClass  Returns the source class that is the host for this class. (inherited from ManagementPackClass)
public method FindHostRelationship  Returns the host relationship defined in the Management Pack where this class is defined. (inherited from ManagementPackClass)
public method GetDerivedMonitoringClasses Overloaded. Retrieves classes derived from the specified monitoring class.
public method GetDiscoverySources Retrieves the discovery sources that target this class.
public method GetDisplayString  Overloaded. (inherited from ManagementPackElement)
public method GetFolders  Gets the collection of Management Pack folders associated with this Management Pack element. (inherited from ManagementPackElement)
public method GetHashCode  Gets the hash code for this object. (inherited from ManagementPackElement)
public method GetImageReferences  Gets the images associated with this Management Pack element. (inherited from ManagementPackElement)
public method GetKnowledgeArticle  Overloaded. (inherited from ManagementPackElement)
public method GetManagementPack  Gets the Management Pack that this object is defined in. (inherited from ManagementPackElement)
public method GetMonitorHierarchy Retrieves the root monitor that targets this monitoring class and base classes, and then populates a MonitoringHierarchyNode object with the monitor hierarchy.
public method GetMonitoringConsoleTasks Overloaded. Retrieves tasks that target this monitoring class.
public method GetMonitoringDiagnostics Overloaded. Retrieves diagnostic objects that target this monitoring class.
public method GetMonitoringDiscoveries Overloaded. Retrieves the discovery objects that target this monitoring class.
public method GetMonitoringImageReferences Retrieves a collection of image references for the monitoring class.
public method GetMonitoringLinkedReports Overloaded. Retrieves the linked report objects that target this monitoring class.
public method GetMonitoringProperties Overloaded. Retrieves the monitoring property objects associated with this monitoring class.
public method GetMonitoringProperty Overloaded. Retrieves the monitoring property for this monitoring class.
public method GetMonitoringRecoveries Overloaded. Retrieves the monitoring recovery objects that target this monitoring class.
public method GetMonitoringRelationshipClasses Overloaded. Retrieves the relationship class objects of which this monitoring class is a part.
public method GetMonitoringRelationshipClassesWhereSource Overloaded. Retrieves the relationship class objects of which this monitoring class is a source in the relationship.
public method GetMonitoringRelationshipClassesWhereTarget Overloaded. Retrieves the relationship class objects of which this monitoring class is a target in the relationship.
public method GetMonitoringReports Overloaded. Retrieves the monitoring report objects that target this monitoring class.
public method GetMonitoringRules Overloaded. Retrieves the monitoring rule objects that target this monitoring class.
public method GetMonitoringTasks Overloaded. Retrieves the monitoring task objects that target this monitoring class.
public method GetMonitoringViews Overloaded. Retrieves the monitoring view objects that target this monitoring class.
public method GetParentMonitoringClasses Retrieves all the monitoring object classes that are parents of the specified relationship type, optionally including all parent types of those parents and their derived classes.
public method GetRelatedMonitoringClasses Retrieves all the monitoring object classes that are related to the specified relationship type, optionally including all parent types of those parents and their derived classes.
public method GetResultantCategoryOverrides Retrieves the resultant category overrides for this monitoring class.
public method GetResultantOverrides Overloaded. Retrieves resultant overrides for the specified object.
public method GetType  (inherited from Object)
public method IsSubClassOf  (inherited from ManagementPackClass)
public method Reconnect Overloaded. Reconnects this object after it has been deserialized.
public methodstatic ReferenceEquals  (inherited from Object)
public method ToString  Gets the name of this Management Pack element. (inherited from ManagementPackElement)
public method WriteXml  (inherited from ManagementPackElement)

Protected Methods

  Name Description
protected method CheckVersionCompatibility  (inherited from ManagementPackClass)
protected method Finalize  (inherited from Object)
protected method MemberwiseClone  (inherited from Object)
protected method PostProcessChange  (inherited from ManagementPackItem)
protected method ReadAttributes  (inherited from ManagementPackClass)
protected method ReadElements  (inherited from ManagementPackClass)
protected method UpdateCollection  (inherited from ManagementPackItem)
protected method WriteAttributes  (inherited from ManagementPackClass)
protected method WriteElements  (inherited from ManagementPackClass)

See Also

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