Use this page to select the computers and devices that you want to manage. The elements that appear depend on whether you choose to discover a computer or a network device.

If you choose to discover a computer, this page contains the elements described in the following table.

Name Description

Select the devices you want to manage

A list of discovered unmanaged devices.

Select All

Enables you to select all the devices in the list.

Deselect All

Enables you to clear all the devices in the list.

Management Server

A list of Management Servers available for managing this device.

Management Mode

A list of management modes.

If you choose to discover a network device, this page contains the elements described in the following table.

Name Description

Select the devices you want to manage

A list of discovered unmanaged devices.

Select All

Enables you to select all the devices in the list.

Deselect All

Enables you to clear all the devices in the list.

Proxy Agent

The agent through which the device is managed.

See Also

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