Use rules in Operations Manager 2007 to collect data, such as events, generated by managed objects. Rules can also be used instead of monitors to generate alerts when the data collected from managed objects does not indicate the health state of the managed objects.

In This Section

How to Start the Create Rule Wizard in Operations Manager 2007

Provides the procedure to start the Operations Manager 2007 Create Rule Wizard.
How to Create an Alert Generating NT-Event-Log-Based Rule in Operations Manager 2007

Provides the procedure to create an alert generating Windows event rule in Operations Manager 2007.
How to Create an Alert-Generating SNMP-Trap-Based Rule in Operations Manager 2007

Provides the procedure to create an alert generating SNMP trap rule in Operations Manager 2007.
How to Create an NT-Event-Log Event Collection Rule in Operations Manager 2007

Provides the procedure to create a Windows event collection rule in Operations Manager 2007.
How to Create an SNMP Event Collection Rule in Operations Manager 2007

Provides the procedure to create an SNMP event collection rule in Operations Manager 2007
How to Create an SNMP Trap Event Collection Rule in Operations Manager 2007

Provides the procedure to create an SNMP trap event collection rule in Operations Manager 2007
How to Create an SNMP Performance Collection Rule in Operations Manager 2007

Provides the procedure to create an SNMP performance collection rule in Operations Manager 2007
How to Create a Windows Performance Collection Rule in Operations Manager 2007

Provides the procedure to create a Windows performance collection rule in Operations Manager 2007.
How to Create a WMI Performance Collection Rule in Operations Manager 2007

Provides the procedure to create a WMI performance collection rule in Operations Manager 2007
How to Create a Probe-Based Event Collection Rule in Operations Manager 2007

Provides the procedure to create a probe-based event collection rule in Operations Manager 2007
How to Create a Probe-Based Performance Collection Rule in Operations Manager 2007

Provides the procedure to create a probe-based performance collection rule in Operations Manager 2007
How to Edit Properties of a Rule in Operations Manager 2007

Provides the procedure to edit rule properties in Operations Manager 2007
How to Disable a Rule in Operations Manager 2007

Provides the procedure to disable a rule in Operations Manager 2007
How to Delete a Rule in Operations Manager 2007

Provides the procedure to delete a rule in Operations Manager 2007

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