In Operations Manager 2007, groups are logical collections of objects, such as Windows-based computers, hard disks, or instances of Microsoft SQL Server. You create a group by using the Create Group Wizard, and you use one or more of the following criteria to establish membership for the group:
- A list of the objects' names.
- A formula that dynamically populates the
membership of the group, such as a formula that adds domain
controller objects to the group.
- Other groups.
- A list of the objects' names to exclude from
the group.
In Operations Manager 2007, you use groups for the following purposes:
- Approve members of an Operations
Manager 2007 user role to manage specified groups of objects.
For example, members of the Messaging Operators user roles can be
approved to monitor objects in the Messaging group. For more
information about user roles, see About User Roles in
Operations Manager 2007.
- Create views for specific groups of objects
and approve members of an Operations Manager2007 user role to see
the views. For example, you can create a state view for the
Messaging group and approve members of the Messaging Operators user
role to see the Messaging view. For more information, see Views in Operations
Manager 2007.
- Use overrides to disable or adjust the
configuration of a monitor that is applied to a group of, or
individual, managed objects.
See Also
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