If you are an administrator responsible for the deployment and configuration of Operations Manager 2007, you need to plan your environment and occasionally configure security after installation. For information about deployment strategies and considerations, see Deploying Operations Manager 2007. For information about security options, such as how to import certificates or how to restrict which users or groups are allowed to modify rules, tasks, or monitors, see Security Considerations in Operations Manager 2007.
As a day-to-day administrator, you will perform most of your work in the Operations console Authoring pane or the Administration pane. The Authoring pane is where you describe the types of objects you want to monitor and where you create groups, attributes, monitors, and rules. For more information about the Authoring pane and the tasks you can perform, see Authoring Pane in Operations Manager 2007.
The Administration pane is where you configure device management, global settings, roles and authorizations, and e-mail or pager notifications. Device management includes configuring client monitoring, using Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) to assign computers to management groups, and configuring proxy settings. Configuring global settings includes setting up authorization roles, configuring which reporting server is used, or deciding how long information is stored in the database. For more information about the Administration pane, see Administration Pane in Operations Manager 2007.
See Also
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