You can use the following command-line syntax and procedure to create an Active Directory Domain Service (AD DS) container for an Operations Manager 2007 management group. MOMADAdmin.exe is provided for this purpose and is installed with the Operations Manager 2007 management server. MOMADAdmin.exe must be run by an administrator of the specified domain. It can be run on a computer running Microsoft Windows 2000 SP4, Windows XP SP2, and Windows Server 2003 with Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 installed.

Command line syntax:

<path>\MOMADAdmin.exe <ManagementGroupName> <MOMAdminSecurityGroup> <RootManagementServerComputerName or RunAsAccount> <Domain>

You must put a value inside quotation marks if the value contains a space.

ManagementGroupName is the name of the management group for which an AD container is being created.

MOMAdminSecurityGroup is a domain security group, domain\security_group format, which is a member of the Operations Managers Administrators security role for the management group.

RootManagementServerComputerName or RunAsAccount.

Domain is the name of the domain in which the Management Group container will be created. MOMADAdmin.exe can be run across domains only if a two-way trust exists between them.

To create an Active Directory Domain Services container for an Operations Manager 2007 management group

  1. Open the command window.

  2. At the prompt, for example, type the following:

    "C:\Program Files\System Center Operations Manager 2007\MOMADAdmin.exe" "Message Ops" MessageDom\MessageMOMAdmins MessageDom\MessageMS1 MessageDom

  3. The preceding command-line example will:

    1. Run the MOMADAdmin.exe utility from the command line.

    2. Create the "Message Ops" Management Group AD DS container in the AD DS schema root of the MessageDom domain. To create the same Management Group AD DS container in additional domains, run MOMADAdmin.exe for each domain.

    3. Add the MessageDom\MessageMS1 computer account to the MessageDom\MessageMOMAdmin AD DS security group and assign the security AD DS group the rights necessary to manage the AD DS container.

See Also

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