Create a New Performance Data View

Create a new Performance Data view by using the Navigation pane in the MOM Operator console.

Members of MOM Administrators and MOM Authors can create new views anywhere in an active view, Public Views, or My Views. Members of MOM Users can create a new view only in My Views.

To create a new Performance Data view

  1. In the Navigation pane, click Performance, right-click the folder for the rule group where you want to create the view, point to New, and click Performance Data Viewto open the Create New - Performance Data Viewdialog box.
  2. In the Which type of Performance Data view to you want to create?list, select the type of data that you want to use in the view, and then click Next.
  3. In the Which performance data do you want to view?list, select the check box beside the performance data that you want use.
  4. The View descriptionlist is dynamically populated with criteria that correspond to your selection. Each enabled performance data item automatically creates a hyperlink in the View Description (click the underlined value to edit)viewing area.
  5. Click the link that is associated with the type of performance data that you selected to open a dialog box to provide more information that is used to select the event. When finished entering this information, click OK.
  6. Click Nextto continue.
  7. In the View namebox, type a name. You can optionally type a description in the Descriptionbox
  8. Click Finishto complete the creation of the view.


The procedure in the following example creates a new Performance Data view based on memory performance data in a specified time period.

  1. In the Navigation pane, click Performance, right-click the folder for the rule group where you want to create the view, point to New, and click Performance Data Viewto open the Create New - Performance Data Viewdialog box.
  2. In the Which type of Performance Data view to you want to create?list, select Memory on a specified computer, and then click Next.
  3. In the Which performance data do you want to view?list, select the measured in a specified time periodcheck box. .
  4. The View descriptionlist is dynamically populated with criteria that correspond to your selection. Select the in the last 2 hourscheck box.
  5. In the time valuebox, type 10. In the time measurement list, select Minutes.
    Note  Note   

    You can also specify a time range by selecting the Within the time rangecheck box beside. If you choose this option, you can use the calendars to set the Beforeand Afterdates.

  6. After you finish qualifying your performance data selection by providing the required information, click OK.
  7. Click Nextto continue.
  8. In the View Namebox, type MyNewPerformanceData. In the Descriptionbox, type A sample Performance Data view.
  9. Click Finish.
  10. Related Concepts


    See Also

    Work with the Performance Data View