Rule Properties: Responses, Update state variable—State Variable Update Operation

This dialog enables you to identify a state variable and specify how the value of the variable should be updated. The available fields are defined as follows:

Specify the type of operation to perform. The available choices are as follows:
  • Increment variable value
  • Decrement variable value
  • Set variable value to property
  • Set variable value to text
  • Set variable value to number
  • Set variable value to N occurrences
State variable
Specify the name of the state variable to update. Click the arrow button beside the State variableinput box to obtain a list of choices. You can choose state variables in several categories. These categories are determined by the type of rule that you are working with. The rules and corresponding categories are as follows:
  • Event rules - select from the Alert, Event, or Targetcategories.
  • Alert rules - select from the Alertcategory
  • Performance rules - select from the Performance Dataor Alertcategory.
Note  Note   

This option is not available with the Store the last N occurrencesoperation. If you select this operation, you will be prompted to provide the State variable rootvalue and, optionally, the Propertyvalue.

Additional configuration options are provided. Their availability depends on the state variable operation that you specify. These options are described in the following section.

Configuration Options

Number of occurrences
Specify the number of state variables to store. This field is available only with the Store the last N occurrencesoperation.
State variable root
Specify the root variable name by which to store the occurrences of the variables. This option is available only with the Store the last N occurrencesoperation. When storing the last Noccurrences of a variable, MOM 2005 creates several variables with names prefaced by the state variable root. You can access these variables from a script through the state object. MOM creates the following variables with the state variable root:
Specifies the number of occurrences stored. This value is equal to the value specified in the Number of occurrencesfield.
Specifies which State_Variable_Root.Nvariable contains the earliest occurrence of the variable. If State_Variable_Root.first equals 4, the earliest occurrence of the variable is stored in State_Variable_Root.4.
Specifies which State_Variable_Root.Nvariable contains the latest occurrence of the variable. If State_Variable_Root.last equals 2, the latest occurrence of the variable is stored in State_Variable_Root.2.
Specifies each of the occurrences of the state variable. Ncan be from 1 to the number specified in the Number of occurrencesfield. The occurrence cycle through the Nvariables overwriting the oldest occurrence. Use the .firstand .lastvariables to keep track of the order of occurrences.
Specifies the event or alert property to which to set the state variable. This field is available only with the Set variable value to propertyor Store the last N occurrencesoperation.
Specifies the text to which to set the state variable. This is available only with the Set variable value to textoperation. You can specify the $State Variable$variable in the Textfield. The $State Variable$variable represents the value of the variable before the state variable update operation is performed.
Specifies the number to which to set the state variable. This field is available only with the Set variable value to numberoperation.