Override Criteria

View all of the unassociated override criteria created for this Management Group. Unassociated means that these overrides are not attached to any rules. You can create unassociated override criteria to:

Each override criteria is represented by a column in the table in the Detail pane. The table contains the following columns:

Computer or computer group to which you apply the override criteria.
Number taken from rules applied to the computer or computer group. You can type one (1) for Enable, or zero (0) for Disable. For example, if you want to create an override that disables an alert rule for a specific computer in a computer group, the value is 0.
Override Name
Uniquename for the override. If you choose a name already used for another override, the new criteria overwrites the previous settings. (If you create an override through the Rule Properties dialog box, a unique name is created automatically.)
Warning  Warning   

After you attach this override to a rule and then change the override name, you will have two overrides with the same criteria. However, the original override might not be attached to the rule.

When you have set the same override criteria to multiple computers or computer groups, specifies the order in which you want the override to run.
Last Modified Date
Date and time someone last changed the override criteria.
Last Modified By
Domain and user name of the last person to change the override criteria.

See Also

Create Override Criteria.