Management Servers Properties (Global Settings): Heartbeat Checking

Use this tab to specify how the management servers check for agent heartbeats.

This tab contains the following options:

Interval to scan for agent heartbeats ___ seconds
Click the arrows to specify the number of seconds between each agent heartbeat scan.
Scan agentless computers every specified number of times Management Servers perform the heartbeat scan ___ seconds
In the upper box, click the arrows to specify the number of times the Management Servers perform the heartbeat scan. The lower box displays the total number of seconds (read-only).
Number of ping attempts
Click the arrows to specify the maximum number of times the Management Servers ping the agents.
Time between pings ___ seconds
Click the arrows to specify the number of seconds between each ping attempt.
Ping time out ___ msec
Click the arrows to specify at what point the ping attempt fails.
Number of scans before generating service unavailability
Click the arrows to specify maximum number of ping attempts before rendering the agent unavailable.