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Opalis Quick Integration Kit Wizard > Modifying existing custom Integration Packs

Modifying existing custom Integration Packs
The QIK Wizard enables you to modify existing custom Integration Packs. You can add new objects, or remove or change existing objects. Basing a new Integration Pack on an existing one enables you to implement changes to your class libraries, icons, or other information, quickly and easily.
The existing Integration Pack that you modify must have been created by the QIK Wizard.
To create a new Integration Pack from a template:
Open the QIK Wizard. On the opening wizard screen, click the Import Integration Pack button. The Open dialog appears.
Browse for the .oip file that you will use as a template. Click OK. The Product Details screen is populated with information from the original Integration Pack.
The rest of the steps are identical to the process described in the Creating new Integration Packs and objects section, except that you make changes to the existing information as required for your new Integration Pack.
For example, you may give the new Integration Pack a new name by replacing the existing name with the new one. Or you may change which class library the objects use by browsing for the new library file in the Library field.
The Integration Pack that you build at the end of the QIK Wizard reflects the changes you made to the original Integration Pack.

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