The authoring console help documentation addresses only concepts specific to the authoring console tool. To fully understand Operations Manager 2007 and the concept of management packs and management pack authoring, the resources described in this section are available.

Operations Manager 2007 Management Pack Authoring on TechNet

For the most up-to-date documentation on the authoring console and management pack authoring, see the Operations Manager Authoring Documentation on TechNet.

Operations Manager 2007 Management Pack Authoring Guide

The Microsoft Operations Manager 2007 Management Pack Authoring Guide provides detailed information about how to author management packs for System Center Operations Manager 2007. This guide includes the following information:

  • The Operations Manager 2007 Key Concepts section, which describes the key concepts used in Operations Manager 2007, including how modeling is implemented in Operations Manager, and key changes between Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM) 2005 and System Center Operations Manager 2007.

  • The Management Pack Concepts section, which describes essential management pack authoring concepts, including workflows and modules, data types, and the management pack schema.

  • The Designing and Building Management Packs section, which provides information and examples for authoring a management pack, including modeling, creating discoveries, and authoring tools and techniques.

  • The Management Pack Reference section, which provides such information as a management pack schema reference, documentation for commonly-used modules, monitor and data types, and variable notation.

Other Operations Manager 2007 Resources

The Operations Manager 2007 Key Concepts Guide describes the key concepts you should understand to use Operations Manager. It describes modeling, how modeling is implemented in Operations Manager, and key changes between Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM) 2005 and System Center Operations Manager 2007.

The Operations Manager 2007 Operations Guide describes how to install, configure, update, and delete a management pack.

The Best Practices for Targeting Rules and Monitors in Operations Manager 2007 illustration shows some of the most common scenarios and provides best practices about how to properly target rules and monitors in System Center Operations Manager 2007.

The Operations Manager 2007 Report Authoring Guide provides scenarios for custom report creation and reference information on report parameters.

The System Center Operations Manager Community provides how-to articles, samples, and other resources for the System Center Operations Manager community.

See Also