Operations Manager offers a number of settings that you can use to configure discovery of network devices. The following table explains the available settings and how to configure them in the Network Devices Discovery Wizard.

Setting Location Notes

Name or IP address

Devices page, Add button

Enter either a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) or an IPv4 address. Operations Manager can identify connected devices in a recursive discovery that use an IPv6 address; however, the initial device that is discovered must use an IPv4 address.

Access mode

Devices page, Add button

Select either ICMP and SNMP, ICMP, or SNMP. This specifies the protocol that will be used for both discovery and monitoring. If you select ICMP and SNMP, the device must be accessible by both protocols, or discovery will fail.

SNMP version

Devices page, Add button

Select either v1 or v2 or v3. SNMP v1 and v2 devices can use the same Run As account. SNMP v3 devices require a different format Run As account.

Port number

Devices page, Add button

The default port is 161. You can change this value if you are discovering a network device that uses another port.

Run As account

Devices page, Add button

The available accounts in the menu are populated based on your selection in the SNMP version box. You can create the appropriate Run As account by clicking Add SNMPversionRun As Account.

Number of retry attempts

Devices page, Advanced Discovery Settings button

This setting specifies how many times the management server should attempt to contact the network device before reporting that discovery failed.

ICMP time-out (in milliseconds)

Devices page, Advanced Discovery Settings button

If you specify ICMP and SNMP or ICMP for Access mode, the management server attempts to contact the network device by using ping. The default setting is 1500 milliseconds (1.5 seconds).

SNMP time-out (in milliseconds)

Devices page, Advanced Discovery Settings button

If you specify ICMP and SNMP or SNMP for Access mode, the management server attempts to contact the network device by using SNMP. The default setting is 1500 milliseconds (1.5 seconds).

Maximum number of devices to discover

Devices page, Advanced Discovery Settings button

This setting applies during recursive discovery and sets a limit on the number of devices to discover. The default is 1500. If you know you are going to discovery more than 1500 devices, you must change this setting.

IP address range

Include Filters page, Add button, when configuring a recursive discovery rule

Use this field to limit the recursive discovery to IP addresses that meet the specified criteria. This field uses a wildcard format.

For example, if you enter 192.168.1.*, the discovery rule discovers devices that use any IP address between and

If you enter 192.168.1.<1-140>, the discovery rule discovers devices that use any IP address between 192.168.1 and 192.168.140.

For more options, see IP Address Range for Network Device Filtering.

Included device types

Include Filters page, Add button, when configuring a recursive discovery rule

Any devices that you select are included in the recursive discovery. Clear the selection for any type of device that you do not want discovered.

Include only network devices with the following system attributes (OIDs) - Name

Include Filters page, Add button, when configuring a recursive discovery rule

If you enter a value here, only devices with a matching name are discovered. This field allows a wildcard format. For more options, see IP Address Range for Network Device Filtering.

Include only network devices with the following system attributes (OIDs) – Object ID (OID)

Include Filters page, Add button, when configuring a recursive discovery rule

If you enter a value here, only devices with a matching OID are discovered. This field allows a wildcard format. For more options, see IP Address Range for Network Device Filtering.

Include only network devices with the following system attributes (OIDs) – Description

Include Filters page, Add button, when configuring a recursive discovery rule

If you enter a value here, only devices with a matching description are discovered. This field allows a wildcard format. For more options, see IP Address Range for Network Device Filtering.

IP Address or Host Name

Exclude Filters page, Add button, when configuring a recursive discovery rule

Enter either a fully qualified domain name (FQDN), an IPv4 address, or an IPv6 address to exclude from discovery. You can add multiple IP address individually.

See Also