Adding Exchange resources by using XML

Use the AddExchangeResources procedure of the Exchange Resource Manager namespace to add public stores and mailbox stores to the pool of resources managed by Exchange Resource Manager. The stores must actually exist before being added. This call is restricted to Domain Administrators.

Example of a request that calls the AddExchangeResources procedure

  <execute namespace="Exchange Resource Manager" procedure="AddExchangeResources">
		<mailStoreName>Mailbox Store (CONTOSO1)</mailStoreName>
		<mailStoreName>Mailbox Store 2 (CONTOSO1)</mailStoreName>
		<mailStoreName>Mailbox Store 3 (CONTOSO1)</mailStoreName>
	<after source="executeData" destination="data" mode="merge" />

Input for AddExchangeResources

The following input is valid for this request:

Typical response for AddExchangeResources

The response to this procedure does not contain significant data.
