Renaming a contact by using XML

Use the RenameContact procedure of the Managed Active Directory namespace to rename a contact in Active Directory.

This procedure expects to be called with impersonate="1". The procedure impersonates the caller.

Example of a request that calls the RenameContact procedure

	<execute namespace="Managed Active Directory" procedure="RenameContact">
		<contact>LDAP://cn=Jo Brown,OU=Hosting,DC=contoso,DC=com</contact>
		<newName>Robert Brown</newName>  
	<after source="executeData" sourcePath="path" 
			destination="data" mode="insert" />

Input for RenameContact

The following input is valid for this request:

Typical response for RenameContact

The following XML response is returned to the requesting user after the successful completion of a request.

	<path>LDAP://cn=Robert Brown,OU=Hosting,DC=contoso,DC=com</path>
