The roles of namespaces and providers

Providers and namespaces are mutually dependent, but play very distinct roles in implementing provisioning functionality.

The role of providers

Providers perform low-level tasks within Microsoft Provisioning System. Providers are COM objects that provide the programmatic procedures required to interact with the management interface of applications or services such as Internet Information Services (IIS), Active Directory, Microsoft Exchange 2000 Enterprise Server, SQL, and Windows. Providers supply the core functionality for the services, languages, applications, and objects that they provision. Each provider also implements the functionality required for compensation, which is the process of rolling back a transaction when a step in the transaction fails to complete successfully.

The role of namespaces

Namespaces contain the XML-based procedures that invoke the functionality required to provision specific services.

The two types of namespaces included in Microsoft Provisioning System are provider namespaces and non-provider namespaces.