Managed Active Directory

The Managed Active Directory namespace builds upon the Active Directory Provider namespace and the Preferred DC Active Directory namespaces that are included with Microsoft Provisioning System (MPF). The Managed Active Directory namespace implements aggregate business logic for Active Directory using the procedures described in this topic.

The Managed Active Directory namespace implements the following procedures.

Procedure Description
BlockDaclInheritance_ Blocks an object from inheriting the discretionary access control list (DACL) of the parent.
ChangeUserPassword Changes the password of a user.
CreateContact Creates a contact.
CreateGroup Creates a group.
CreateGroup_ Creates an Active Directory group object.
CreateOrganization Creates an organization.
CreateOrganization_ Is a private helper.
CreateSamObject_ Creates an Active Directory user or group object with a unique SamAccountName.
CreateUser Creates a user account.
CreateUser_ Creates an Active Directory user object.
DeleteContact Deletes a contact.
DeleteGroup Deletes an Active Directory group.
DeleteOrganization Deletes an organization.
DeleteUser Deletes a user account.
DisableUser Disables a user account.
DistributeGroupMemberships Redistributes group memberships after ExpandWin2KCapacity.
EnableUser Enables a user account.
ExpandWin2KCapacity Implements group nesting to circumvent Windows 2000 Server limit of 5000 members per group.
ExpandWin2KCapacity_ Private helper for ExpandWin2KCapacity.
GetForeignOwnerOrg Returns the hosting organizational unit of a reseller or a customer.
GetOtherWellKnownObject Returns a value of the otherWellKnownObjects property on the target object.
GetPolicy Returns policy information for creation of provisioned objects.
GetThisOrganizationRoot Returns the root organizational unit for an object.
GetWin2KCapacityExpansion Returns the expansion multiplier over Windows 2000 Server limit of 5000 members per group.
GetWin2KCapacityExpansion_ Returns the expansion multiplier over Windows 2000 Server limit of 5000 members per group.
GetWin2KCapacityPending Returns the group containers that require membership redistribution.
GetWin2KCapacityPending_ Returns the group containers that require membership redistribution.
GroupAdd Adds an object as a member of a group.
GroupRemove Removes an object from a group.
GroupTypeTranslation_ Translates text group descriptions to a group type property.
GUIDtoLDAP_ Translates an object globally unique identifier (GUID) to a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) path.
LDAPtoGUID_ Translates an LDAP path into a GUID object.
LookupWellKnownGuid_ Maps friendly names to global unique identifiers (GUIDs).
ModifyContact Modifies a contact.
ModifyGroup Modifies a group.
ModifyOrganization Modifies an organizational unit.
ModifyUser Modifies a user, but cannot enable or disable a user.
MoveObject Moves an object to a container.
MungeSamAccountName Generates various versions of a SamAccountName.
NullProc An empty procedure for testing procedures.
RemoveAllAuthenticatedUsersACEs_ Removes all Authenticated Users access control entries (ACEs) from the DACL of an object.
RemoveAuthenticatedUsersACE_ Removes the ACE from the DACL of an object.
RenameContact Renames a contact object.
RenameGroup Rename the group object.
RenameOrganization Rename the organizational object.
RenameUser Rename the user object.
ReportGroupMembership_ Reports membership in Windows 2000 expansion groups. Not for large organizations.
ReportGroupMembership__ Private helper for ReportGroupMembership_.
RethrowError Rethrows an error if the code parameter does not match the error code.
SetGroupMemberships_ Sets group memberships for all the groups in a policy tree.
SetOrganizationWellKnownObject_ Creates an organization helper that sets wellKnownObjects.
SetOtherWellKnownObjects_ Sets a single value of the otherWellKnownObjects property on the target object.
SetSecurity_ Sets security for a node in a policy tree.
SetUserPassword Sets a user password.
TestOrgCreatorPermissions_ Tests whether the caller has privileges to create child organizations.
TestPermissions_ Checks for permissions by attempting to read the DACL from a particular group.
TestReadDACL_ Checks for permissions by attempting to read the DACL from an object. Returns success or failure.
TransferGroupMembership_ Private helper for DistributeGroupMemberships.
TryCreateSamObject Creates an Active Directory user or group object with a trial SamAccountName.

For more information on this namespace and its procedures, including how to use XML to submit requests directly to Microsoft Provisioning Framework (MPF), see Working with the Managed Active Directory namespace by using XML. For information on Active Directory Provider and the Active Directory Provider namespace, see Active Directory Provider. The Microsoft Provisioning Framework Software Development Kit (SDK) contains additional resources to help you implement namespaces and providers. For more information on the SDK and how to use it, see Microsoft Provisioning Framework SDK.