IIS Resource Manager

The procedures in the IIS Resource Manager namespace build upon Resource Manager in Microsoft Provisioning Framework (MPF); you can use them to allocate resources for Internet Information Services (IIS) version 5.0.

The IIS Resource Manager namespace is required to implement Delegated Administration Console. If you are not using Delegated Administration Console, but want to implement IIS version 5.0 functionality, use the IIS Resource Manager namespace together with the Managed IIS namespace. This will provide the business logic for using IIS Provider, the IIS Provider namespace, and the Resource Manager providers and namespaces of MPF.

The IIS Resource Manager namespace implements the following procedures.

Procedure Description
AddDiskVolume_ Adds a single disk storage volume to an Internet Information Services (IIS) computer.
AddIISResources Adds a set of IIS computers, plus their disk volumes and Internet Protocol (IP) addresses.
AddIPAddress_ Adds an IP address to an IIS computer.
AddServerResources_ Adds an IIS computer, as well as its disk volumes and IP addresses.
BeginAllocateWebSite Allocates initial resources for a newly created Web site.
CreateWebDirectory_ Creates a directory for use by IIS.
DeallocateWebSite Deallocates initial resources for a deleted Web site.
DeleteRootDirectory_ Deletes a directory for use by IIS.
DeleteWebDirectory_ Deletes a directory for use by IIS.
EndAllocateWebSite Specifies the IIS path name to associate with the resources for a Web site.
EnsureOneServerCandidate_ Is a private helper function.
GetIisRmTypeData_ Creates resource and consumer types for IIS Resource Manager.
GetRootDirectoryInfo_ Returns the directory information for the hosting root.
GetWebDirectoryInfo_ Returns the directory information for a Web site under the hosting root.
InitializeIISRM Creates resource types and consumer types for IIS Resource Manager.
QueryAllServers Returns all IIS computers that have been added to the IIS Resource Manager.
QueryAllWebSites Returns all Web sites that have been allocated from IIS Resource Manager. .
QueryResourcesByServer Returns all Web site resources that are currently being used by a particular IIS computer. .
QueryResourcesByWebSite Returns all Web site resources that are currently being used by a particular Web site. .
QueryWebDirectoryInfo_ Returns the directory information for a provisioned Web site.
RemoveIISResources Removes a set of disk volumes, IP addresses, and (conditionally) IIS computers.
RemoveServerResources_ Removes IIS resources; also removes the computer if it no resources remain.
UninitializeIISRM Destroys all resource and consumer types for IIS Resource Manager.

For more information on this namespace and its procedures, including how to use XML to submit requests directly to MPF, see Working with the IIS Resource Manager namespace by using XML. For information on IIS Provider and the IIS Provider namespace, see IIS Provider. For information on the Managed IIS namespace, see Managed IIS. For more information on how IIS Provider and the IIS Provider namespace are implemented, see the IIS Provider Software Development Kit (SDK) available on the Microsoft Provisioning Server installation CD in the \support\reskit\Providers folder. The Microsoft Provisioning Framework Software Development Kit (SDK) contains additional resources to help you implement namespaces and providers. For more information on the SDK and how to use it, see Microsoft Provisioning Framework SDK.