Exchange Resource Manager

The procedures in the Exchange Resource Manager namespace build upon Resource Manager in Microsoft Provisioning Framework (MPF); you can use the procedures to allocate resources for Microsoft Exchange 2000 Enterprise Server.

You can use the Exchange Resource Manager namespace through Delegated Administration Console. This is required only if you want to implement Exchange 2000 Server functionality. If you are not using Delegated Administration Console, but you want to implement Exchange 2000 Server functionality, use the Exchange Resource Manager namespace, together with the Managed Exchange namespace, to provide the business logic for using the Exchange Provider, Exchange Provider namespace, and the Resource Manager providers and namespaces of MPF.

The Exchange Resource Manager namespace implements the following procedures:

Procedure Description
AddExchangeResources Adds a set of public folder stores and mailbox stores.
AddMailStore_ Adds a single Exchange mailbox store.
AddPublicStore_ Adds a single Exchange public folder store.
AllocateMailbox Allocates mailbox storage.
AllocateOrganization Allocates a public folder store and mailbox store to an organization.
AllocateOrgFolderStore_ Allocates a public folder store to an organization.
AllocateOrgMailStore_ Allocates a mailbox store to an organization.
AllocatePublicFolder Allocates public folder storage.
DeallocateMailbox Deallocates public folder owned by an organization.
DeallocateOrganization Deallocates public folder stores and mailbox stores from an organization.
DeallocatePublicFolder Deallocates a public folder owned by an organization.
FindMailboxStore_ Finds the Exchange mailbox store on a server.
FindPublicFolderStore_ Finds the Exchange public folder store on a server.
GetExchRmTypeData_ Creates resource types and consumer types for Exchange Resource Manager.
GetFolderUID_ Is a private helper that returns the globally unique identifier (GUID) of a public folder.
HogShareMailStoreResources_ Is a private helper for AddMailStore_.
InitializeExchRM Creates resource type and consumer types for IIS Resource Manager.
QueryAllOrganizations Returns all of the organizations that own Exchange resources.
QueryAllStores Returns all of the mailbox stores and public folders stores.
QueryConsumersByOrganization Returns the mailboxes and public folders owned by an organization.
QueryResourcesByOrganization Returns the resources owned by an organization.
RemoveExchangeResources Removes a set of public folder stores and mailbox stores.
RemoveMailStore_ Removes a single Exchange mailbox store.
RemovePublicStore_ Removes a single Exchange public folder store.
UninitializeExchRM Destroys all resource and consumer types for IIS Resource Manager.

For more information on this namespace and its procedures, including how to use XML to submit requests directly to MPF, see Working with the Exchange Resource Manager namespace by using XML. For information on Exchange Provider and the Exchange Provider namespace, see Exchange Provider. For information on the Managed Exchange namespace, see Exchange Provider. For more information on how Exchange Provider and the Exchange Provider namespace are implemented, see the Exchange Provider Software Development Kit (SDK) available on the Microsoft Provisioning System installation CD in the \help folder. The Microsoft Provisioning Framework Software Development Kit (SDK) contains additional resources to help you implement namespaces and providers. For more information on the SDK and how to use it, see Microsoft Provisioning Framework SDK.