
Exposes a set of methods for submitting requests to provisioning engines of Microsoft. Provisioning Framework (MPF).


IProvEngine is implemented in mapsclient.dll. It inherits from IDispatch.

Accessing IProvEngine from C++ Code

The client include file, Provisioning.h, resides in the \inc subdirectory of the installed MPF SDK. Include this file in any application you write that sends requests to a provisioning engine. For creating the object, the prog ID is Provisioning.ProvEngineClient.1 and the class ID is CLSID_ProvEngine.


SubmitRequest Submits a synchronous request to execute a single procedure in the specified namespace.
SubmitTrustedRequest Submits a synchronous request to execute one or more procedures using the request XML from a trusted user credential.

See Also

Authorization During Request Submittal, Clients, Installing MPF SDK, IProvQueue

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