Best Practice: Views should be sorted properly


What does this best practice check for?

Views are the end-users windows into the overall health and occurrences in their environment. Operations Manager provides several different types of views, including event views, alert views, state views, performance views, and more. For several of the views that track occurrences, it is a best practice that these views should sort so that the newest occurrences show up at the top. The views that require sorting are alert views (sorted by timestamp, newest at the top), event views (sorted by date and time, newest at the top), and task status views (sorted by scheduled time, newest at the top).

Why is it important to follow this best practice? What is the impact of not following this best practice?

Views are used extensively by end-users, and the most useful way to use them is to be able to track the most recent occurrences in an environment. Views that do not automatically show are not useful as-is; for example, alert views that show alerts in a random unsorted order are not useful to an end-user, who notices that an issue that affect end-users was noticed a few minutes ago, and wants to know what environment problem caused this issue. Sorting views by default eliminates an extra step for the end-user, and increases customer satisfaction.

How do I fix this?

Using XML:

     < View ID = " Microsoft.Windows.CertificateServices.Enterprise.AlertView" Accessibility =" Internal" Enabled =" true" Target =" Microsoft.Windows.CertificateServices.Enterprise" TypeID =" SC!Microsoft.SystemCenter. AlertViewType" Visible =" true" >

       < Category > Operations </ Category >

       < Criteria >

         < ResolutionState >

           < StateRange Operator = " NotEquals" >255 </ StateRange >

         </ ResolutionState >

       </ Criteria >

       < Presentation >

         < ColumnInfo Index = " 6" SortIndex = " 1" Width =" 150" Grouped =" false" Sorted =" true" IsSortable =" true" Visible =" true" SortOrder =" Descending" >

            < Name > Created </ Name >

            < Id > TimeRaised </ Id >

         </ ColumnInfo >