Best Practice: Views should define a resolution state


What does this best practice check for?

One of the most commonly used views by Operations Manager end-users is the Active Alerts view; operator tend to live in this view to monitor the critical, alert causing issues. As a best practice, the Alerts view should define a resolution state in order to be scoped to show the intended set of alerts. In Operations Manager, a resolution state of 255 means the alert is resolved; any other state means it is still active.

Why is it important to follow this best practice? What is the impact of not following this best practice?

The customer generally need is to see active alerts only – which correspond to active problems in the environment. Operators may also sometimes be interested in resolved alerts. Either way, a view must intentionally be scope to a specific set of alerts; active alerts only views are typically more useful.

How do I fix this?

Using the Authoring Console:

1.        For any view, open the Properties dialog. In the Configuration tab, ensure that StateRangeis set to 255, and Operator is set to NotEquals. This will create an Active Alerts only view.

Using XML:

     < View ID = " Microsoft.Windows.KeyManagement.Service.Alerts" Accessibility =" Public" Enabled =" true" Target =" Microsoft.Windows.KeyManagement.Service" TypeID =" SC!Microsoft.SystemCenter.AlertViewType" Visible =" true" >

       < Category > Operations </ Category >

       < Criteria >

          < ResolutionState >

            < StateRange Operator = " NotEquals" >255 </ StateRange >

          </ ResolutionState >

       </ Criteria >

     </ View >