Best Practice: Performance Collection should not be too frequent


What does this best practice check for?

Performance Collection rules are rules written into the MP that collect performance data from performance counters. This data is stored in the database for use in views or reports. The best practice is that performance collection should not be done too frequently; the preferred value is over 5 minutes. MPBPA will produce a critical violation if the collection interval is 2 minutes or less, and will produce a warning violation if the collection interval is between 2 and 5 minutes.

Why is it important to follow this best practice? What is the impact of not following this best practice?

Performance collection data is stored in the Operations Manager database. Performance collection rules that run too frequently could cause a data hit, which can result in the database filling up very quickly with data that is not always useful.

How do I fix this in my MP?

Using the Authoring Console:

1.        For the performance rule you are editing the collection interval of, open the Properties of this rule.

2.        Go to the Modules tab. Select the Data Source module for the rule, and click Edit…

3.        Change the Frequency value to atleast300 seconds.


     < Rule ID = " Microsoft.Windows.Server.2008.LogicalDisk.AvgDiskQueueLength.Collection" Enabled =" onStandardMonitoring" Target =" Server2008!Microsoft.Windows.Server.2008.LogicalDisk" >

       < Category > PerformanceCollection </ Category >

       < DataSources >

         < DataSource ID = " PerformanceDS" TypeID =" SystemPerf!System.Performance.OptimizedDataProvider" >

           < ComputerName > $Target/Host/Property[Type="Windows!Microsoft.Windows.Computer"]/NetworkName$ </ ComputerName >

           < CounterName > Avg. Disk Queue Length </ CounterName >

           < ObjectName > LogicalDisk </ ObjectName >

           < InstanceName > $Target/Property[Type="Windows!Microsoft.Windows.LogicalDevice"]/DeviceID$ </ InstanceName >

           < AllInstances > false </ AllInstances >

            < Frequency > 300 </ Frequency >

           < Tolerance > 1 </ Tolerance >

           < ToleranceType > Absolute </ ToleranceType >

           < MaximumSampleSeparation > 12 </ MaximumSampleSeparation >

         </ DataSource >

       </ DataSources >

       < WriteActions >

         < WriteAction ID = " WriteToDB" TypeID =" SC!Microsoft.SystemCenter.CollectPerformanceData" />

         < WriteAction ID = " WriteToDW" TypeID =" SCDW!Microsoft.SystemCenter.DataWarehouse.PublishPerformanceData" />

       </ WriteActions >

     </ Rule >